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Sandbox Setup

over 8 years

I'm planning on making a new setup and I'm going to post ideas here so people might actually want to play it. I'm using the current official sandbox setup as a base. You can view it here.

Town Roles

Remove Baker - Kinda ruins games, especially when people decide to troll with it.

Add Judge // Useful in sandbox in cases where no lynches can be forced because of joints or players who are unable to vote. Pathologist // Can view reports of dead people. Pretty useful for when people die before outing their reports. Turncoat // I think this would be an interesting role for game mechanics. A lot of people suggested that turncoat appears blue to self, but I'm not sure if that ever happened.

Mafia Roles I don't feel strongly either way about any of these suggestios.

Remove Lookout, Silencer, Fiddler, Scout, and Paralyzer are kinda meh roles in my opinion, but they probably help even out how OP the mafia is.

Add Consigliere // Pretty much a self visiting yak. Again, I think this could make games more interesting. Not sure how buggy it is. Papparazzi // Not a terribly exciting role, but it is a nilla maf that works as a maf sided orc when lynched.

Third Roles

Remove Maid I heard suggestions to toss maid before. It can't win, so I'd be fine with tossing it.

Add Politician // Might be broken, but could be interesting for game mechanics if its fixed. Zombie // I think zombie is a fun role, but some people think it breaks games because it is overpowered.

These are just suggestions for a setup that I plan to make and use from time to time so we have more options than just the official setup. If you like/dislike anything I suggested, or if you think another role should be add/removed, please post so. Thank you.

over 8 years
sandbox will not agree on a setup do whatever you want

thats why theres no official sandbox setup and the ones that claim to be are like people who name themselves admin on websites where theyre just regular losers
over 8 years
remove cthuhlu-unless your lucky and get a cult, you cant win unless your the last role alive

keep all those mafia roles but para, maybe remove fiddler..
remove the informant god no one wants to play that crap.

please no zombies

noone wants to play judge governor is already in the set.

pappar/consi/turncoat/patho are all very situational. VERY situational

Invisman is also very situation and sometimes gets screwed over- debuffed lazy cop that sometimes gets lucky..

Remove mimic, lk, journ, ghoul.

trapper for me is never fun to play as, but thats my oppinion.

tbh telepath/polititian is one of the only role that i feel should be in.
over 8 years
The current setup is just fine
Well it needs siren at some degree, but nah
over 8 years
remove everything except vanilla roles, cult, and baker
over 8 years
I personally really like this setup because it's the best setup ever made and is really good:
over 8 years
Just make the setup you want an host it.
deletedover 8 years
Keep the setup the same because your suggestions stink. Add telepath because it's funny to troll with
over 8 years
Keep maid, lookout and scout, don't add pap.
Revealing a role is rarely beneficial for the mafia, so pap is useless.
I think scout and lookout are quite good, as you can watch celebs and claim tracker/watcher.
over 8 years

this is a better setup than the poop official sandbox setup
over 8 years
-Remove Baker

No, bad town roles are in for a reason. If every town role was overpowered then mafia could not win.

-Add Judge

No, terrible role


Maybe, perhaps has some viability


No, terrible role


-Remove Lookout, Scout, Silencer, and Fiddler

No, lookout and scout are reasonable tracker and watcher counterparts. Silencer and Fiddler are annoying and rather weak mafia roles, but a non meeting mafia role imo is a good thing. Perhaps one or the other could be removed as a possibility, but both should not be removed. If anything, Journalist and Informant should be removed since they're useless most of the time. Consigliere imo would not work with the way sandbox is formatted. In an official setup, it would have viability. However, the format of sandbox setups makes its use not very good.


-Remove maid

No, it's an annoyance role, but it's an amusing way to screw people over.




OP cultist, no thanks.
over 8 years
remove cultist