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undercover report: firsthand

deletedover 8 years

hi, today i write to you to speak to you about something that is very not fair .. i am 13 from brasil and in all games some people are very not fair and not nice just because i no have 'avi' what is avi??? if is avatar i HAVE and this one i dont want to change ..

so i take things into my own hands and become detective and do some undercover work to list everyone who is not fair and not nice

i hope there will be changing in this comunity and instead of people kill 'noavi' people will kill people who not fair and not nice

i will update this list as time pass so everyone will know who is bad and who to kill and if you are good then i will change you and give second chance

lolchurros: extremely mean

taurarius: he kick me from game

chaoticding: he kick me from game

killic33: he kick me from game

lastmanstanding: he kick me from game

cyril: he kick me from game

chaoticdoom: same person as above?

chaos952: mean and he try to extort money from me also he was mean to someone who was nice

nakhhash: mean and try to kill me for no reason


gardenfulloflies: he call me mexican and racist every game

tropius: not my fault but is easy to blame me and he kick me from game

wertyo: he kick me from game and impersonate me and say bad things

xfire1994: he kick me from game just to be "edgy" like he say

smallnote: tell people to kick me and lie that i am 'game ruiner' when i am not

harunan: extremely rude and make fun of me

mcgrath: people finally starting to revolution but then he shoot me just because 'policy'

golbolco: ((*not on my list anymore he is good person, there was misunderstanding))

snakegladiator: try to start bandwagon lynch and say mean things he also lead lynch on me when i am celebrity ((snakegladiator is very nice to me now he is off list))

pieoverlord: he say this to me ((he actually say this to someone else not me so he off list))

credit: thank you sarah who help me with formatting and spelling and to set up and to add images

STOP injustice for 'noavi' and thank you to everyone else who is nice and doesnt care if 'noavi' or not..

i will update more please someone who can sticky this

over 8 years
I was christened into this game by being kicked for having no avatar. It was a part of what sandbox was. :T Wasn't really injustice to me, but the whole making rude comments and telling you to kill yourself, yeah, that's just rude and unnecessary.
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
what's the difference between a noavi and an avi

a soul
over 8 years
i am so sorry you have suffered 80588508h . please pm me any time someone is being mean to you and i will mod abuse them into submission
deletedover 8 years
i respect the dirt on my shoe better than i respect noavis, how's that
over 8 years
Noavis are scum and deserve everything they get.
over 8 years
topic: list of meanie butts
deletedover 8 years
i love this
over 8 years
the sole reason someone would choose to be a noavi is to be contrarian and make stupid posts like these
deletedover 8 years

Japter says

noavis suck

can i be on the list now

no it has to be extremely mean if it is just opinion that is ok
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
fight the good fight 80588508h!!
deletedover 8 years
noavis suck

can i be on the list now
deletedover 8 years
sir you just earned my first upvote in 6 months congratulations
deletedover 8 years
thank you golbolco i wish you are owner again and if i had 500 points i would upvote you
over 8 years
Very well-written manifesto on the Sandbox community's treatment of noavis.