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undercover report: firsthand

deletedover 8 years

hi, today i write to you to speak to you about something that is very not fair .. i am 13 from brasil and in all games some people are very not fair and not nice just because i no have 'avi' what is avi??? if is avatar i HAVE and this one i dont want to change ..

so i take things into my own hands and become detective and do some undercover work to list everyone who is not fair and not nice

i hope there will be changing in this comunity and instead of people kill 'noavi' people will kill people who not fair and not nice

i will update this list as time pass so everyone will know who is bad and who to kill and if you are good then i will change you and give second chance

lolchurros: extremely mean

taurarius: he kick me from game

chaoticding: he kick me from game

killic33: he kick me from game

lastmanstanding: he kick me from game

cyril: he kick me from game

chaoticdoom: same person as above?

chaos952: mean and he try to extort money from me also he was mean to someone who was nice

nakhhash: mean and try to kill me for no reason


gardenfulloflies: he call me mexican and racist every game

tropius: not my fault but is easy to blame me and he kick me from game

wertyo: he kick me from game and impersonate me and say bad things

xfire1994: he kick me from game just to be "edgy" like he say

smallnote: tell people to kick me and lie that i am 'game ruiner' when i am not

harunan: extremely rude and make fun of me

mcgrath: people finally starting to revolution but then he shoot me just because 'policy'

golbolco: ((*not on my list anymore he is good person, there was misunderstanding))

snakegladiator: try to start bandwagon lynch and say mean things he also lead lynch on me when i am celebrity ((snakegladiator is very nice to me now he is off list))

pieoverlord: he say this to me ((he actually say this to someone else not me so he off list))

credit: thank you sarah who help me with formatting and spelling and to set up and to add images

STOP injustice for 'noavi' and thank you to everyone else who is nice and doesnt care if 'noavi' or not..

i will update more please someone who can sticky this

deletedover 8 years
since youre brazilian please correct my portuguese when i say eu acho vc e' uma mentirosa, filha
deletedover 8 years

Harunan says

no but i know dozens of brazilians who are learning english and their speech patterns arent like yours at all

also since when did english become an elective in brazilian schools last i knew it wasnt

please stop i am brasil, english is compulsory in my school i also know a little croatian and i am learning italian as well

i love languages and i always get really good mark it will help when i am older because i want to become detective and do more things like this
deletedover 8 years
alguem br
over 8 years
com 2 brasil
deletedover 8 years
no but i know dozens of brazilians who are learning english and their speech patterns arent like yours at all

also since when did english become an elective in brazilian schools last i knew it wasnt
deletedover 8 years

Harunan says

so youre apparently brazilian but you dont speak like someone who natively speaks portuguese and learned english js man

? i live in brasil my mother is portuguese and my father is from croatia, english is my second language that i am learning from school and my english tutor sarah, she say my spelling is one of the best she ever seen but that my grammar need some practice

i am also 12 but i say i am 13 because my birthday is in april

i am also a girl not man my name is mary
deletedover 8 years
so youre apparently brazilian but you dont speak like someone who natively speaks portuguese and learned english js man
over 8 years
>claims to not cause drama
>also claims to have started a revolution
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years

XFire1994 says

I kicked you from the game because you cause drama which is not something appreciate in a sandbox game. You can expect the exact same treatment until you get an avi.

how i cause drama?? i want to make change this is revolution to help new player

i never say anything bad and sometimes i no say anything and people still just want to lynch 'noavi' but a lot of people are good just some of them are bad
over 8 years
I kicked you from the game because you cause drama which is not something appreciate in a sandbox game. You can expect the exact same treatment until you get an avi.
deletedover 8 years
but now you just kick me from game just to be like you say "edgy"
deletedover 8 years

XFire1994 says

Oh that's bollocks and you know it

Stop being edgy, nothing is wrong with the noavi policy

to kill someone just because of 'noavi' is very wrong and all new player quit because of this

also i update the list:

-wertyo is on list
-snakegladiator lose second chance and become even more bad to me
-tropius is on list

if is just opinion that 'noavi' is bad that is ok.. but when extremely rude that is not ok
example is you are not on list even if you no agree because you no kick 'noavi' from game just because they are 'noavi'
over 8 years
Oh that's bollocks and you know it

Stop being edgy, nothing is wrong with the noavi policy
deletedover 8 years

BaneofMafia says

Policy is a great sandbox tradition.

Here's a story about "great traditions"
deletedover 8 years
Policy is a great sandbox tradition.
over 8 years
I swear this is a comedy sketch.
over 8 years

but seriously stop typing like a mexican it's really racist
deletedover 8 years
This is how it starts. Soon they will have secret meetings and talk of rebellion will echo through our streets like the wind foretelling the arrival of a harsh winter.
over 8 years
what a snitch. Also if you have all this time why dont you invest some in finding a real avi.
over 8 years
THANK YOU FOR TYPING THIS this is the unfairnes!!!
over 8 years
Do no avis dream of electric memes?
deletedover 8 years

fakechest says

... isn't this all just a bit of a knee-jerk reaction? (before everyone starts hating on my own opinion of the matter)

no this is not just me this is for all 'noavi' and new player because this game can not be survive (survived?) if everyone so bad to new player it make some not want to play this game..
over 8 years
... isn't this all just a bit of a knee-jerk reaction? (before everyone starts hating on my own opinion of the matter)
deletedover 8 years
Being mean to noavis is like hazing and hazing is banned lucid plz ban these confirmed hazers or I'll go to my local news station