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Undo Everything

over 8 years

People who want to play comp go to lobbies where it is available (i.e. Main). In sandbox, there are no rules to govern competitive play, which allows for a great deal of confusion about whether cheating is an issue or not. It took less than a day for this to become an issue:

In addition, it should have been mentioned in the first place that competitive play was a temporary addition if that was the intention. It is an entirely tone deaf celebration, considering the aforementioned fact that people come here because they don't want to play comp.


I'm not saying the current moderators are bad people or incompetent. I don't know them. But I do think that such a massive change requires a much greater degree of transparency. If you aren't going to let us vote who we want or have any input or even require an application from those who want the position, then at minimum you have to explain why they were chosen besides "my friends are competent mods, maybe I just have good taste in friends" and "at least 4 of my mods have been around for a while and know plenty of people and the rest are at least known in Sandbox." What are their qualifications? What have they contributed to the community? How many vios do they have? How frequently will they be around to perform their duties?


I'll believe that this forum will be taken seriously when Golbolco proves it will be. So far, all evidence points to the conclusion that community input will be disregarded; it has either been outright ignored--

or has been waved away or disregarded, while those who dissent or who have previously been in power or whose experience differs from Golbolco's are belittled--

The forums already include poll and petition options that can be used to measure community opinion. Actually take these things into account.

Any further suggestions on this subject are welcome.

I agree
26 signed
These suggestions are valid and, along with any commentary I might post in this thread, represent my wishes in regards to Sandbox.
over 8 years

Golbolco says

There's not a whole lot of suggestions for us to take seriously yet. The emotes one is fine, I'm just letting people add to it. The suggestion by Cub goes against the fabric of Sandbox. We've been working to satisfy your demands, Tricksterer. LastProphet's suggestion is not implementable by sandbox mods. Platypops's advice is just that, advice, and we've been discussing it amongst the mods.

As I said, I look forward to seeing that work actually come to fruition and have appreciated the response from individual moderators I've received so far. Thank you for your response; it's very appreciated.
over 8 years
Here's a serious suggestion: crop your avi.
over 8 years
There's not a whole lot of suggestions for us to take seriously yet. The emotes one is fine, I'm just letting people add to it. The suggestion by Cub goes against the fabric of Sandbox. We've been working to satisfy your demands, Tricksterer. LastProphet's suggestion is not implementable by sandbox mods. Platypops's advice is just that, advice, and we've been discussing it amongst the mods.
over 8 years

It's been 24 hours, and I'm really glad to see that comp has been taken away. I appreciate that concession to public opinion. I also have been very impressed by the members of the mod team who have been making an active effort to reach out to the community and actually be respectful.

The thread to apply for mod has been created, but I've not yet seen any plan to process those applications or shuffle the mod team-- ie to actually make use of that thread as more than a pacifier. I'm not saying that it won't happen, only that there has been no progress on that front.

I have also seen no progress on the community input front other than the creation of that thread. There continues to be a great deal of animosity between opposing sides of the issue and continued mocking responses and even personal attacks from Golbolco to anyone who expresses disapproval.

(The mod team, on the other hand, has for the most part been incredibly polite, respectful, and objective as is possible considering their position. I'd like to re-emphasize that I do believe mods and lobby owners should be allowed to have their own opinions and be as rude as they please, but not when they are functioning in an official capacity.)

I still do not believe any concerns will be taken seriously-- this suggestions forum certainly has not been,

but I hope to eventually be proven wrong on that front.
deletedover 8 years

over 8 years
Lol who thought it would be a good idea to have comp in sandbox.....
over 8 years

Chaika says

Ashe says

Chaika you'd ban me first, nty..

You didn't do anything wrong so what reason would I have to do something like that?

Platypops says

Chaika says

What I have:

-Years of experience

-Not a SJW

-A Chaika of reason

-Known EM sandbox chat memer

Don't forget that Chaika on the front page

You hate me lel
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
Yes, I know. I'm just letting everyone know they can apply there. I never said it would solve everything or anything at all
deletedover 8 years

SnowyB says

Apply for mod here!

this is not the solution people are looking for
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years

Ashe says

Chaika you'd ban me first, nty..

You didn't do anything wrong so what reason would I have to do something like that?

Platypops says

Chaika says

What I have:

-Years of experience

-Not a SJW

-A Chaika of reason

-Known EM sandbox chat memer

Don't forget that Chaika on the front page

deletedover 8 years
over 8 years

Chaika says

What I have:

-Years of experience

-Not a SJW

-A Chaika of reason

-Known EM sandbox chat memer

Don't forget that Chaika on the front page
over 8 years
Chaika you'd ban me first, nty..
over 8 years
What I have:

-Years of experience

-Not a SJW

-A Chaika of reason

-Known EM sandbox chat memer
deletedover 8 years
The Mod Team should be redone.. :^I
deletedover 8 years

Chaika says

So what you're saying is that I should be the owner, how thoughtful!

Having a weeb owner is what this lobby needs. Who better than Chaika?
deletedover 8 years
i agree
over 8 years

ballsy says

All this is being worked on right now and will be implemented shortly.

I look forward to it. I appreciate your quick response.
over 8 years

Chaika says

So what you're saying is that I should be the owner, how thoughtful!

I have no reason to believe you wouldn't be a good owner. If you proved you were qualified for the position, then by all means I'd support you.
deletedover 8 years
All this is being worked on right now and will be implemented shortly.
over 8 years
So what you're saying is that I should be the owner, how thoughtful!