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Forum Mafia 11

over 8 years

the game is over, mafia has won

send me a message if you want a spot in the next game. it'll start in a few days

forum mafia 11: the game

by me and soda

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

  • A lynch will happen immediately if a supermajority vote is reached (e.g. 9/16)
  • At end of day, "No votes" count as "no one" votes, but will not count towards a mid-day supermajority vote of "no one". The player with the most votes at that end of day, (including "no one") will be lynched.
  • Days can be ended early without a lynch by a supermajority "no one" vote.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"


VI. Voting Log:

VII. The Rules:

VIII. Contact:

If you have a question about rules or mechanics, do not ask it in the game. Message me or message soda.

over 8 years
I just don't see a reason for mafia to CC pr there unless they were an important one (i.e ninja incase of bomb, a RB role) that needed to survive so they hide in order to be not lynched as town lynches in blues.
deletedover 8 years
but previous games should really have no effect on this bcus there might not ALWAYS be a mafia role blocker ?? what i'm taking from the roles list is that it's a "possible power role" and there's no confirmed roles for mafia so idk you can assume there is one if you like but i'll keep my options open for the mafia roles lmao
over 8 years
over 8 years
That seems like a stretch. I think he just said the wrong thing which isn't really alignment telling to me. Regardless he's scum.
over 8 years

lick says

but i don't see anything tht says it's confirmed tht there is one ??can you show me where it says it

Literally every Forum Mafia game on this site has had a mafia role blocker. Go read them yourself. Let me think them for ya actually. It's safe to assume.

Edit: Awkward I guess last forum mafia game didn't..... I thought it was a safe assumption my bad.
over 8 years
Idk Nat, but him saying he was "scared" of Ninja when that should actually not affect him AT ALL as an ALIGNMENT COP made me think he has inside information on the mafia roles aka MAFIA.
deletedover 8 years
but i don't see anything tht says it's confirmed tht there is one ??can you show me where it says it
over 8 years
Because there is always a mafia role blocker, Lick. lmao.
over 8 years
How is that a slip?
deletedover 8 years
ummm ok so here is my view

i personally think baller is mafia and he claimed pr to get the other remaining pr/prs to out (sonrio was already outted so IDKMAN) and he made it so he could use the "i had no reason to not claim" excuse to try and beat his cc's or however it's supposed to work in his favor

what jeff said is true that ninja has nothing to do with that and i think baller is just trying to pull things out of thin air now because he only has like. one thing to base his whole claim on and that's the "i had no reason to not claim" apart from the fact that he could have waited until he had an actual report. his reports are quite wierd bcus they are both on dead as well but at the same time i can understand why he went for stragger n2 but maybe that was his plan ?? IDK

i just have one question for jeff

JeffReid says

Even greater is the fact that the Mafia role blocker will most definitely hide in town PRs so everyone will never lynch them with the excuse that "We don't lynch in PRs!!!!"

why are you so confident that there is a mafia role blocker ?? it's not confirmed and you are posting as if it is actually confirmed unless im missing something completely then my bad LOL

again im sorry for the long post, if i ever do another long post i'll tl;dr it
over 8 years
Slip slip slip from Baller. Where the hell did he pull Ninja out of and how the hell does that stop him in any way if he is an alignment cop? lmao.
over 8 years
That timing though. Nice.
over 8 years
Oh. You claimed before Claire and after Sonrio. Hmmmmmm. Okay. Well I still vote you based off what Uranus said xP
over 8 years
No idea if I'll be able to view this again before eod so vote Jeff
over 8 years

Uranus says

N1alignment cop with no other restrictions who happens to get two reports on dead. Isn't willing to out when his inno is getting lynched but instantly outs the next day after the death of a protective role despite having no useful reports

I'm not about to claim out loud when there's very likely a rb/ninja or something else preventing scum PR. Had zero susp Stragger was going to die and I'd get a reliable report to claim w. Still not going to sit on my a-- when we're in a volatile position.
over 8 years

JeffReid says

Mafia realizing that they have to make a CC because it's now or never there.

Considering no other PRs were outtes when I claimed that claim holds zero ground
deletedover 8 years
personally i'm not going 2 vote because while i agree baller is probably scum, i think we should at least use the time we have to find other scum ?? it seems like a waste
over 8 years
today it will take six votes to lock a lynch

current voting log:

baller - not voting
iceaac - not voting
bigpock - jeffreid
ultraaug - not voting
uranus - baller
oulu - not voting
sonrio - not voting
lick - not voting
jeffreid - baller
claireredfield - baller

baller: 3
jeffreid: 1
not voting: 6
over 8 years
Not really. Only because I hammered him and he flipped.
UltraAug; not much to read because Baller is blatant scum here. Just vote it.
over 8 years
hey i dont have time to reread taking cat to vet ill be looking back in an hour.
when i get back i will figure out why we decided sonrio is ok (and jeff was one of gerrys mafia reads right?)
over 8 years
And nobody say that all 3 PRs are real when we have a hidden vig that I doubt is in the PR claims and a BG in the GY. No way we have 5/9 town as PRs. Not buying it. (Granted this is under the 4 scum belief, even without it 5/10 is not realistic)
over 8 years
Imagine my excitement when my town team is stacking up. Sonrio, Oulu, UltraAug hammer this before he gets back.
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
but WE DON't know that mayb ur just lying to yourself and your role really doesnt suck

or does your role suck because its supposed to be a town role and your mafia ?? busted
over 8 years
Cuz my role sucks