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Forum Mafia 11

over 8 years

the game is over, mafia has won

send me a message if you want a spot in the next game. it'll start in a few days

forum mafia 11: the game

by me and soda

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

  • A lynch will happen immediately if a supermajority vote is reached (e.g. 9/16)
  • At end of day, "No votes" count as "no one" votes, but will not count towards a mid-day supermajority vote of "no one". The player with the most votes at that end of day, (including "no one") will be lynched.
  • Days can be ended early without a lynch by a supermajority "no one" vote.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"


VI. Voting Log:

VII. The Rules:

VIII. Contact:

If you have a question about rules or mechanics, do not ask it in the game. Message me or message soda.

deletedover 8 years
wtf wAIT WHY HAVE HALF THE PEOPLE in here claimed ?? its only day 2 calm your horses

also can some1 explain to me why ppl claim as "pr" in forum mafia. like i understand it's to make ppl try and save you and stuff but like ur kinda boned if there are no protective roles and mafia is already on your anyway due to you claiming pr ?? it just seems like added effort to me
over 8 years
Vote baller true
deletedover 8 years
ok tht true tbh i could see baller as maf ?? i dont rly see him as dead-on town

ummmm i still don't know what to say wht do you guys want me to do
over 8 years

Uranus says

N1alignment cop with no other restrictions who happens to get two reports on dead. Isn't willing to out when his inno is getting lynched but instantly outs the next day after the death of a protective role despite having no useful reports

Ding ding ding
over 8 years
N1alignment cop with no other restrictions who happens to get two reports on dead. Isn't willing to out when his inno is getting lynched but instantly outs the next day after the death of a protective role despite having no useful reports
deletedover 8 years
ummmmmmmm idk what to say so far help its just basically been "im a pr" and *whining*

im not going 2 do reads because honestly its so much effort and i havent even been reading tht much into everyone so it'd probably be a bunch of lies ngl
over 8 years
Vote baller

Ridiculously fake claim.
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
hello friends

sry i was not on when the vote was locked, im uk so i was sleeping and before tht i went to study for my exams

im eating rn so in 10-15 mins i will b able to post for real just to let erryone know
over 8 years
Happy MYLO.
over 8 years
I'm not crying here. I'm trying to win the game. If you want to vote me over it go ahead, scum. While you're at it please continue to dodge all my questions and fence sit on fake PRs so you can bag an easy win. Thanks.
deletedover 8 years

JeffReid says

What PR is fake everyone? Let's hear it.

I'm having you lynched today on the base of tryharding and crying like a baby
over 8 years
And God bless Gerry's dying FOS on me when I was trying to save his AND IT WAS WORKING IF YOU ALL VOTED BECAUSE NAT WAS GONNA FLIP AS YOU CAN SEE BY HER UNVOTE, but then Sonrio claimed PR so tf do I do? Maybe look into all the people who pushed for the easy lynch on Gerry when Claire have a JOKE FOS on him and it somehow grew as everyone hopped on.
over 8 years
What PR is fake everyone? Let's hear it.
over 8 years
So should I have forced NL there and kill the possible 3way from the start? It's not my fault there's a vigilante that shot Stragger. I assume it was a town vigilante because why would Mafia kill the FOS that everyone had?
over 8 years
Sonrio is a PR through and through, that's obvious. Their play is indicative of that. Claire then claims PR in an attempt to show us to not trust Sonrio fully. Claire claiming there is not a scum tell in the slightest. No way would Mafia claim there. So those 2 PRs are real. Then we have Baller. Baller has no reason to out there. Incredibly awkward timing -> Mafia realizing that they have to make a CC because it's now or never there. Not all Mafia can hide in blues so Baller makes the move. Is this not as blatant to everyone else?
deletedover 8 years
dude i dont care. i never wanted a gerry lynch and you seemed to push him off at the end

it was also his dieing fos you fall and so i will push you off
over 8 years
Even greater is the fact that the Mafia role blocker will most definitely hide in town PRs so everyone will never lynch them with the excuse that "We don't lynch in PRs!!!!"
over 8 years
Imagine Bigpock completely ignoring the blatant fact that there is a fake PR right now
deletedover 8 years
I'm lynching jeff, then i think i know who i want next
over 8 years
I have no idea who you are but every time I read Sonrio I read Samrio which is the Hello Kitty company so I can't NOT read you as a girl.
over 8 years
im also a guy
over 8 years
im town
over 8 years
*wheels start turning in Sonia's head as she realizes my reads are dope as fu** and that she also forgot to read the game when she came back*
over 8 years

JeffReid says

This is where I am leaning on all people. I'm not gonna give any neutrals. Not all these reads are strong

Baller -> Mafia
Icee -> Mafia
Bigpock -> Mafia
UltraAug -> Town
Uranus -> Town
Oulu -> Town
Sonrio -> Town
Lick -> Mafia
Claire -> Town

If I had to choose 4 mafia that would be my 4. If there are 3 mafia, I would put Lick as town, then Bigpock close behind.

I repeat and stand by this. Baller is fake as f*ck. Bigpock comes in immediately voting me knowing I am an easy push here. Ultra is town because of the person he subbed was BLEEDING town right before the sub. I am not convinced Lick is mafia, she is only mafia by POE if there are 4. Sonrio is PR. Claire is PR. I TR they both before that though because Sonia is mimicking her town resistance play and Sonrio is miles different from her Resistance scum play. Oulu's responses to Stragger lean town. Uranus imo is bleeding town. Icee is a little as*.