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Forum Mafia 10

over 8 years

The game is over.

Heyyyy everyone, this'll be the main thread for the game I'm hosting, along with my cohosts, mist and Hibiki!

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

I'm looking at a January 1st start date, but if the game fills up quickly it can start sooner! It'll likely begin at noon, PST, January 1st.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

We've decided to change this rule up a bit! Due to how people were lynched before they were even given a chance to speak, we're making it so that the supermajority lynch rule will take affect once 24 hours have passed. So if a day were to start at noon on Jan 1st, supermajority lynch rules will take affect at noon, Jan 2nd until midnight on Jan 3rd, and so on. If a supermajority lynch takes place (like 9/16 votes on someone) they are automatically lynched and this ends the day.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

Linking it from the old thread because it's a doozy

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"

Anything that's not bolded will not be counted!

VI. Voting Log:

Since I'm not sharing accounts with a cohost, we're going back to the old voting log! Which is I will probably periodically post a voting log during the day if requested. (This is probably the hardest part about hosting)

VII. The Rules:

Minor editing made but it's pretty much all the same. Click!

VIII. Contact:

If you want to contact any of the game moderators, please either PM us or you can contact me personally on Skype @ sonrio25. The other cohost can tell me if you may contact them through other means as well.

That's pretty much it, so join if you're interested! Hopefully this thread doesn't crash and burn like the other wannabes.

over 8 years

ClaireRedfield says

What I mean is whenever I try to read soda I get it wrong 75% of the time

Go against your read and get it right 75% of the time? Jk okay that's fair.

Edit: But you said you don't really SR Tucker -- at least not more than me or SirSlick -- so why are you still willing to lynch Tucker here? o:
over 8 years
Now I'm really frowning. That's a shame.

I don't have meta on Calvin but I thought the reasoning was solid in voluntaryloser's post and before that I had been considering him as possible scum

I do understand all the SRs on Gerry. I just don't agree particularly.
over 8 years

Sincerely says

What do you mean about Matt? I don't get it. Sorry. :c

What I mean is whenever I try to read soda I get it wrong 75% of the time so me trying to read him would be a waste of my time

Votes I am willing to do: Gerry Tucker Calvin (since everyone has this meta sr on him -_-) This game is getting more annoying then fun for me but alas
over 8 years
implying reasoning shared by a random group of human beings is ever not awful in any context

EDIT: Oh yeah, I did switch my vote at the last second because I decided I didn't like the Tucker lynch and I didn't TR you. I almost unvoted instead but

and voluntaryloser did that too but voluntaryloser's logic did not seem solid anywhere in regards to the Tucker issue, so
over 8 years
From what i'm getting the reason i'm getting voted was because tucker was the other vote option at the time and people tr'd him over me?..What awful reasoning
over 8 years
B-but I kind of stopped trying so hard towards the end of today...

What do you mean about Matt? I don't get it. Sorry. :c

I originally thought your demeanor seemed off, but I've been thinking that a lot about you in normal games recently and I think that's because I'm paranoid. I used to TR you wrong a lot. :P

The caps outbursts seem towny... I guess you've played pretty passively, though, despite outing reads. Then again, I'm not sure if I'm one to talk on that last point. I'm feeling pretty indecisive.

edit: added frowny face for clarity
over 8 years
Okay I come back to see I have a lot of votes on me and a ton of vote switching for the record I never sr'd tucker I just wanted to know in a bit more detail why he sr'd me

VL was my biggest scum read before I went to bed but now that I come back I'm liking a lot of his posts going into detail about Calvin and a clear thought process allows me to get in his head

SirSlick seems to be watering down his playstyle I don't know if he's new to this or not but I don't get why everyones on the I tr you! bw

I'm getting quite a bad feeling from Gerry he seems to not give a lot of valid reads on his points and it seems like a ton of sheeping going on
Matt-Don't get me started if you asked for a read i'd be to scared to give it
Sincerely feels like she's trying the hardest out of everyone here and I don't know if I take that as towny or scummy when I read a ton of your post it feels like your trying to force a towny vibe off you

Final note: Someone PLEASE TELL ME WHAT I DID TO GET SR'D Sweet jesus >.>
over 8 years
that's your entire play so far, lilin
deletedover 8 years
town here
over 8 years
SirSlick is my hard tr so far. Sincerely is townish, i guess.
over 8 years
new year could have thrown them off perhaps?
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

Kaioxysalive, Tisguyisawesomealive, Gira

False. Tisguyisawesomealive said "Hello" at daystart.
deletedover 8 years
Kaioxysalive, Tisguyisawesomealive, Gira
over 8 years
ok just for reference how many people haven't done anything yet
deletedover 8 years
i didn't vote cat with the expectation that he would get lynched. i wanted people to talk about things that weren't tucker
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

calvin, i think you'd be less likely to avoid posting as town. you've been active on the forums today, but your only post here was to push off giving reads. i could be wrong on that, but i also think that of all the people to not get that i was joking about dumbtelling you're pretty low on the list

vote calvin

I like this option. Vote: Calvin

Also, what you just said is AGAIN not concordant with your vote on Cat. If Gira flips town, we'll have the log of who voted when and why; if Cat flips town, we have about the same; if Tucker flips town, we might even have a little more because Tucker has at least participated; if Claire flips town, Tucker can suck it.

Edit: You know what, never mind.
deletedover 8 years
i'd have the same reaction if seven people decided to vote gira
deletedover 8 years
I still dont see why voluntary is buddying tucker so hard. If he said the reason is the votes on him and his explanation of why each vote is bad then i wont unvote. Thats a stupid reason to hop in hard on his defense.

Im still fine with a cat lynch.

I also have sincerely leaning town.
deletedover 8 years
calvin, i think you'd be less likely to avoid posting as town. you've been active on the forums today, but your only post here was to push off giving reads. i could be wrong on that, but i also think that of all the people to not get that i was joking about dumbtelling you're pretty low on the list

vote calvin
deletedover 8 years
if tucker flips scum it'll give a lot of good reads but i think the chances of that are pretty low with the way the bw has gone. if he flips town it doesn't give me anything. he hasn't really interacted with anyone. i don't know what reads you think a town flip from him will give

i've tried pushing my scumreads and nothing happened. sorry. i'll try again though

gerry you didn't feel the need to justify your vote after i said your reasoning was bad which makes you more mafia. i'd like you to give reads
over 8 years
Voluntaryloser: You don't TR Tucker, yet you're hardcore defending him and willing to lynch other nullreads even though at this point a Tucker lynch would give waaaay more reads than, for instance, a CAT lynch, and you're still not pushing on your scumreads. Why are you assuming no one would be willing to vote them with you?

Also, matt, are you alright with "'"'italics'"'" in place of boldtext?
over 8 years

slick says

hello? hi how you doin' why are you saying hello this is mafia not a filming of breakfast at slickffany's ffs.

over 8 years
it isn't just calling awful votes awful votes it's saying "anyone voting for me either has not followed the game or is mafia" without providing a rhyme or reason

and so if he was trying to get people to talk more mayhaps he should ask a question directly instead of "Hello....??"
deletedover 8 years
you don't like that he tried to get specific people to talk more and you don't like how he called awful votes awful votes

over 8 years

Tucker says

Gerry says

Unvote: Sincerely



(he did this twice)

Tucker says

Wow! Looks like I'm getting super-majority'd by people who either haven't read the game, or are Mafia.

these are what i don't like.

hello? hi how you doin' why are you saying hello this is mafia not a filming of breakfast at slickffany's ffs.

and that was an awfully sarcastic disposition to getting sm'd he took with the second post; it wasn't just a post trying to clear himself it was also a post to try to implicate literally every vote on him.