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Forum Mafia 10

over 8 years

The game is over.

Heyyyy everyone, this'll be the main thread for the game I'm hosting, along with my cohosts, mist and Hibiki!

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

I'm looking at a January 1st start date, but if the game fills up quickly it can start sooner! It'll likely begin at noon, PST, January 1st.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

We've decided to change this rule up a bit! Due to how people were lynched before they were even given a chance to speak, we're making it so that the supermajority lynch rule will take affect once 24 hours have passed. So if a day were to start at noon on Jan 1st, supermajority lynch rules will take affect at noon, Jan 2nd until midnight on Jan 3rd, and so on. If a supermajority lynch takes place (like 9/16 votes on someone) they are automatically lynched and this ends the day.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

Linking it from the old thread because it's a doozy

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"

Anything that's not bolded will not be counted!

VI. Voting Log:

Since I'm not sharing accounts with a cohost, we're going back to the old voting log! Which is I will probably periodically post a voting log during the day if requested. (This is probably the hardest part about hosting)

VII. The Rules:

Minor editing made but it's pretty much all the same. Click!

VIII. Contact:

If you want to contact any of the game moderators, please either PM us or you can contact me personally on Skype @ sonrio25. The other cohost can tell me if you may contact them through other means as well.

That's pretty much it, so join if you're interested! Hopefully this thread doesn't crash and burn like the other wannabes.

over 8 years
I don't TR claire. She's most likely mafia or PR because I didn't read her as blue idk. I'm tempted to go back to Tucker because he's here and she's not >_>

Edit: oh good.
over 8 years
Calvin - voluntaryloser
ClaireRedfield - Not voted
lilinonlyknows - Not voted
Slowbro - Sincerely
matt - Tucker
Gira - Not voted
voluntaryloser - ClaireRedfield
Tucker - ClaireRedfield
Tisguyisawesome - Not voted
CAT3101 - Tucker
Bigpock - Not voted
Sincerely - ClaireRedfield
Kaioxys - Not voted
SirSlick - Not voted
Anthony - Tucker
Gerry - Tucker

No one/Not voted: 7
Tucker: 4
ClaireRedfield: 3
Sincerely: 1
voluntaryloser: 1

At this point in time the town is poised to lynch no one. Supermajority is now in effect, it takes 9 votes to activate it (9/16).
over 8 years
Oh wait we actually might have that many votes? Frick. I'm going to flip now if that's okay. Vote: ClaireRedfield

(I was rereading for the post where I outed the thing about having considered voting claire but decided against it. I chose not to vote because I didn't think it'd be very helpful to town if I voted just then, and my SR on her was based off next to nothing, so I wanted her to return first. It wasn't "OMG people are actually voting this so never mind." I'm starting to think Tucker is town.)
over 8 years
hi i just woke up and its supermajority time so ill count the votes when im not groggy as
deletedover 8 years
i still think that anthony or calvin should be the lynch. i wouldn't mind one on gerry either
deletedover 8 years

Gerry says

Yeah, this is mafia. He's just voting the other person with the most votes.

Vote: Tucker

why are you ignoring that he just gave a fairly substantial read

could we get some unvotes this is atrocious
deletedover 8 years
Wow! Looks like I'm getting super-majority'd by people who either haven't read the game, or are Mafia.
over 8 years
Yeah, this is mafia. He's just voting the other person with the most votes.

Vote: Tucker
deletedover 8 years
vote claire

i doubt that the bw on tucker is a town-led bw

Calvin says

this is 2 much 2 read i'll read it sometime 2nite

the day could end sooner if enough people vote someone

edit: i changed the word town to town led
over 8 years
um so i just saw this and im too busy to thouroughly evaluate it, so im just gonna bw and switch the vote later

vote: Tucker
deletedover 8 years
this is 2 much 2 read i'll read it sometime 2nite
deletedover 8 years
Vote Claire

Quote this part of the post if you'd like to watch evil man hang.

@Sincerely, I'm not talking about your mouse-on-fire response to her, or anyone else. I was referring the 'I was thinking about a Claire vote but I'm not going to do it now that other people voted her' which didn't add up to your troll-y earlier posts.
deletedover 8 years
I just read the rules and am finally unforum banned. So we dont know how many mls town has before game over? Wtf is this.

As per my introduction to this game, Howdy im Bp~ . its pretty unlikely i 're read this entire game from me joining in right now but i read a little of it earlier, With that said don't ever expect me to out my reads on 8 players at once lol. That seems pretty forced to me. I'll vote someone i dislike when i get on my computer
over 8 years

Tucker says

VL's probably town. Various lines I'm not going to quote on phone.

I kind of like this line from Tucker, though.
over 8 years
I had to sleep. Now I'm back to stalking this thread. Sorry for trying to read before there was anything to go off of; again, I'm used to Java mafia alone, and I had thought someone needed to start doing that to get people to give off tells.

Dear Tucker, wasn't my largest TL;DR post a response to Claire saying I've had no real reasons for my scumreads? And my BS in the first two posts would be very odd to do if she were my partner, considering I was responding to a joke vote in a jokingly defensive way. I would probably specifically avoid doing that as mafia, in fact. :P

So, Tucker, your reads ARE looking weird and forced. Vote: Tucker (until you explain them better)

Edit: im hopping on the bw and im not even ashamed of it.

Edit2: I chopped the post and it's still long I'm REALLY sorry but at least half of it is addressed to a specific person
over 8 years
um ok well i don't remember posting my last post. i don't remember why i was voting tucker either. since matt voted him though as well maybe i was doing something right. i'm going to reread this in a little bit after i defeat my hangover.
deletedover 8 years
get this: slick is town
over 8 years
hey claire i'm done trolling you it's time to take down the big bad wolf who is trying to lynch you
over 8 years
ah. damn. anth already beat me to the vote.
over 8 years
hi sup good morning im gonna vote mafia

vote: tucker
over 8 years
Mother clucker if you want to make a fake scum read on me PLEASE GIVE ME BETTER THEN THAT
over 8 years

Tucker says

Hello yes I'd like to inform everyone that Claire and Sincerely are Mafia together (see: Sincerely's half-troll intro with regards to other votes and statements being tossed around but reluctance to vote Claire).

VL's probably town. Various lines I'm not going to quote on phone.

E: minor.

There're are so many holes in what you just said lets start shall we One. Sincerely has said 1 thing about me and has not gave a read on me at all you how do you know what she's thinking when she has not gave a single read for me Two. What about me is so scummy my day start my few lines are you voting me for being one of the only people here I need some info here Four. At the time you voted me the only thing I said was a intro and something off topic about new years so now you're hardballing a vote on me?
over 8 years
fun party. anyways when i give a damn i'll give this a thorough reread, i skimmed it briefly and don't have much to say, but if i analyze it a bit more i'm sure i could formulate some content to work with. happy new year!
deletedover 8 years

SirSlick says

that said on the flip side i like voluntary's attitude as well as anthony's

SirSlick says

just saying i don't like it in general lol

deletedover 8 years

Gerry says

Unvote: Sincerely

