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Forum Mafia 10

over 8 years

The game is over.

Heyyyy everyone, this'll be the main thread for the game I'm hosting, along with my cohosts, mist and Hibiki!

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

I'm looking at a January 1st start date, but if the game fills up quickly it can start sooner! It'll likely begin at noon, PST, January 1st.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

We've decided to change this rule up a bit! Due to how people were lynched before they were even given a chance to speak, we're making it so that the supermajority lynch rule will take affect once 24 hours have passed. So if a day were to start at noon on Jan 1st, supermajority lynch rules will take affect at noon, Jan 2nd until midnight on Jan 3rd, and so on. If a supermajority lynch takes place (like 9/16 votes on someone) they are automatically lynched and this ends the day.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

Linking it from the old thread because it's a doozy

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"

Anything that's not bolded will not be counted!

VI. Voting Log:

Since I'm not sharing accounts with a cohost, we're going back to the old voting log! Which is I will probably periodically post a voting log during the day if requested. (This is probably the hardest part about hosting)

VII. The Rules:

Minor editing made but it's pretty much all the same. Click!

VIII. Contact:

If you want to contact any of the game moderators, please either PM us or you can contact me personally on Skype @ sonrio25. The other cohost can tell me if you may contact them through other means as well.

That's pretty much it, so join if you're interested! Hopefully this thread doesn't crash and burn like the other wannabes.

over 8 years
Unvote I want tucker to be able to defend himself one last time before I vote
over 8 years
The ones I elaborated on earlier were pretty much based on towntells. I'll go back and try to figure out what was goign on in my empty space of a brain
deletedover 8 years
lol whatever, have your random mislynch. townread gerry when every read he's given has been shallow and he spent more words summarizing his play than he spent on his play

vote tucker

this puts tucker at one vote from supermajority and i encourage mafia to speedhammer
over 8 years
Vote: SirSlick

HARD FLIP IT, GUIS! oops, that was italicized instead of [fake b for matt's sake]emboldened.[/fake b for matt's sake]
over 8 years
You're saying (or implying) That a ton of people have town told while Gerry has not that's a very weak reason to vote someone when you have no proof to back up that statement I could say everyone here has town told but with no proof it's kinda like "pulling town reads out of thin air"

Also Sincerely Claire-ify I see what you did their could you quote some town reads for me
deletedover 8 years
classic slick
over 8 years
don't try to lynch gerry he's definitely the wrong lynch and before now you accuse me of buddying it's because he hasn't tried defending a guy with heat on him for no apparent reason, you trying so hard to flip from tucker to me incriminates you if anything
over 8 years

Sincerely says

I thought Gerry towntold with the HMMMMM and the not elaborating until asked but then having decent reasoning early on.

That was the entirety of my post at the top of this page.
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

voluntaryloser says

sirslick's vote reasoning wasn't even an alignment read, it was pretty much "i don't like this person as a person," which i read as sort of town but saying that you agree with it is really strange. your reads have been half-assed

gerry could you respond to this

i'd like to point out that's flat wrong

i said that i didn't like how he was acting, that does not mean he's not a good person i just thought he was acting awful strange
deletedover 8 years
i like that people are calling me VL, it's like i'm in high school again except i'm popular and i have a nickname
deletedover 8 years

ClaireRedfield says

*Squints* Alright kinda weak but a statement none the less

i don't understand what's weak about that statement as opposed to pulling townreads out of thin air
over 8 years
*Squints* Alright kinda weak but a statement none the less
deletedover 8 years
sincerely what do you think gerry has done to towntell
deletedover 8 years

Sincerely says

EDIT: I was too slow again! Gerry did towntell, Slowbro...

well we'll have to agree to disagree [chuckle]
deletedover 8 years
none of those things sirslick gave are sumtells at all
deletedover 8 years

ClaireRedfield says

So are you saying everyone has somewhat towntold besides gerry?

Edit: Added a word

no, i'm just saying gerry hasn't towntold and i would like to vote him. most people who have talked have towntold in some way
over 8 years
VL has towntold. Matt has towntold. Bigpock has towntold a little. Slowbro cracked a couple funny jokes. Lilin isn't particularly scummy. Tucker had one towny line. SirSlick is TR'd by a lot of people and I don't have a reason to doubt their TRs just yet. You're towntelling now, I think. I'm town and you should TR me for being town.

EDIT: I was too slow again! Gerry did towntell, Slowbro...

EDIT: You're buddying it very noticeably, VL.

EDIT: To Claire-ify, my original post was addressed to Ms. Redfield.
deletedover 8 years

Sincerely says

voluntaryloser says

of course they're not all mafia, but i don't think that seven towns decide to go with a random lynch in that time frame

Alright, that's better. So you're saying you hard TR him because you think he was town being lynched by mafia rather than being bussed by his partners? I mean, I could see mafia using bad reasoning to quickly get on a BW and avoid suspicion if they thought their partner was going to be lynched.

when the **** did i say that i hard townread him? if there's a really awful bandwagon forming, it is most likely a bandwagon on town

bigpock says

Voluntary your so upset I'm having your partner lynched and ur next for gg

your read on tucker is nonexistent and your read on me is associative. do you think you're playing well right now
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

voluntaryloser says

sirslick's vote reasoning wasn't even an alignment read, it was pretty much "i don't like this person as a person," which i read as sort of town but saying that you agree with it is really strange. your reads have been half-assed

gerry could you respond to this

SirSlick says

Tucker says

Gerry says

Unvote: Sincerely



(he did this twice)

Tucker says

Wow! Looks like I'm getting super-majority'd by people who either haven't read the game, or are Mafia.

these are what i don't like.

hello? hi how you doin' why are you saying hello this is mafia not a filming of breakfast at slickffany's ffs.

and that was an awfully sarcastic disposition to getting sm'd he took with the second post; it wasn't just a post trying to clear himself it was also a post to try to implicate literally every vote on him.

i agree with his assessment right there, it's pretty self explanatory lol
over 8 years
So are you saying everyone has somewhat towntold besides gerry?

Edit: Added a word
deletedover 8 years

ClaireRedfield says

Slowbro says

ClaireRedfield says

Slowbro says

here's why gerry isn't town: he lacks the towntells

You could legit say that about oh I don't know EVERYONE HERE? If you want to say "a ton of people town telled" Quote there town tells for me please

no you actually can't

I can because you're still not giving me any proof friend or towntells or who you tr etc jeez the list is getting longer and longer

townreads =/= towntells and poe

i.e. i don't townread soda, but i think he has towntold
over 8 years

Slowbro says

ClaireRedfield says

Slowbro says

here's why gerry isn't town: he lacks the towntells

You could legit say that about oh I don't know EVERYONE HERE? If you want to say "a ton of people town telled" Quote there town tells for me please

no you actually can't

I can because you're still not giving me any proof friend or towntells or who you tr etc jeez the list is getting longer and longer
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
I thought Gerry towntold with the HMMMMM and the not elaborating until asked but then having decent reasoning early on.
deletedover 8 years
Voluntary your so upset I'm having your partner lynched and ur next for gg