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Forum Mafia 10

over 8 years

The game is over.

Heyyyy everyone, this'll be the main thread for the game I'm hosting, along with my cohosts, mist and Hibiki!

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

I'm looking at a January 1st start date, but if the game fills up quickly it can start sooner! It'll likely begin at noon, PST, January 1st.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

We've decided to change this rule up a bit! Due to how people were lynched before they were even given a chance to speak, we're making it so that the supermajority lynch rule will take affect once 24 hours have passed. So if a day were to start at noon on Jan 1st, supermajority lynch rules will take affect at noon, Jan 2nd until midnight on Jan 3rd, and so on. If a supermajority lynch takes place (like 9/16 votes on someone) they are automatically lynched and this ends the day.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

Linking it from the old thread because it's a doozy

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"

Anything that's not bolded will not be counted!

VI. Voting Log:

Since I'm not sharing accounts with a cohost, we're going back to the old voting log! Which is I will probably periodically post a voting log during the day if requested. (This is probably the hardest part about hosting)

VII. The Rules:

Minor editing made but it's pretty much all the same. Click!

VIII. Contact:

If you want to contact any of the game moderators, please either PM us or you can contact me personally on Skype @ sonrio25. The other cohost can tell me if you may contact them through other means as well.

That's pretty much it, so join if you're interested! Hopefully this thread doesn't crash and burn like the other wannabes.

over 8 years
yeah actually that makes sense


i think there are only two left

i stand by my statement five maf is absurd, but credit to bigpock for having universal townreadness
deletedover 8 years
Neither do i. I think we have one ml but idk why everyone suddenly foses me.

I dont believe Gira, his reports are such bull to me
over 8 years
i'm fine with lynching either of, i'm just bothered by ultraaug for reasons i've stated
over 8 years

Gerry says

Look. If we think there is 2 mafia left, we vote Bigpock. If we think 3, we think longer about this.

i don't follow this logic?
over 8 years
Look. If we think there is 2 mafia left, we vote Bigpock. If we think 3, we think longer about this.
over 8 years
i'm back from my disappearance and am conveniently keeping the vote on aug but lynch gira if this is real
over 8 years
that is a very bad decision
deletedover 8 years
alright, vote ultraaug
over 8 years
The fact I have to think if gerry is town or not is making me sick
over 8 years
he lateclaimed miller after i revealed i had an investigation active on him
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

which one do you think is fake

I'm inclined to think Aug is fake. But, what it comes down to is this. Do you think there is 2 mafia left or 3? Because Bigpock is a guilty right?
deletedover 8 years
which one do you think is fake
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

i'm inclined to believe gira's claim but i don't think we should lynch ultraaug today. we don't really get anything at all from the flip, unless he's mafia but not a role blocker, and we go into potential lylo

imo. Doesn't really make sense for us to have 5 PRs so one is fake.
deletedover 8 years
i'm inclined to believe gira's claim but i don't think we should lynch ultraaug today. we don't really get anything at all from the flip, unless he's mafia but not a role blocker, and we go into potential lylo
over 8 years
yes, i claimed power role and have not posted anything that i do not stand by
over 8 years
Nah gira is a fraud
Or just, really reaaly upsetting
over 8 years
Wait. I'm confused. Did 2 people claim PR? Gira and Aug?
over 8 years
thank u
over 8 years
*cough* Gerry for gf *cough*
over 8 years
thats great i wouldnt expect anything else
deletedover 8 years
I just explained my reads and thoughts on this subject. Im drinking and I will not change them for any reason at all
over 8 years
do i speculate that there are ~multiple godfathers~, or do i work from the people who i don't have a report on

kind of an obvious answer
over 8 years

Bigpock says

I call horsedick and I FoS you. You attempt to get rid of me who was a big townread, have urself lynched and ur partner finish the game. I'd assume sirslick dies tonight.

So Gira, who did Sinc. protect with her bg action?

reads change nimrod
deletedover 8 years

Bigpock says

How insane is it that you have three inno's on three alives (-) the orc'd PR.


deletedover 8 years
I call horsedick and I FoS you. You attempt to get rid of me who was a big townread, have urself lynched and ur partner finish the game. I'd assume sirslick dies tonight.

So Gira, who did Sinc. protect with her bg action?