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Forum Mafia 10

over 8 years

The game is over.

Heyyyy everyone, this'll be the main thread for the game I'm hosting, along with my cohosts, mist and Hibiki!

I. The Schedule:

36 hours per day, 12 hours per night.

I'm looking at a January 1st start date, but if the game fills up quickly it can start sooner! It'll likely begin at noon, PST, January 1st.

II. The Setup:

  • Normal closed roles setup, as always, with the roles and affixes listed below. Any role can be town or mafia, and have any number of affixes.
  • By default there are no Night 1 actions, including the mafia kill.
  • By default no role can self visit, except watcher.
  • Players who share a meeting may communicate outside the game at any time of day.
  • Players are always notified at day start if their role is changed.
  • One mafia always leads the kill, and it's always the one that submits the kill last. Each mafia will visit the kill target.
  • On death, players flip their role, alignment and affix type by default, but not their affix details.

III. Supermajority Lynch Rules:

We've decided to change this rule up a bit! Due to how people were lynched before they were even given a chance to speak, we're making it so that the supermajority lynch rule will take affect once 24 hours have passed. So if a day were to start at noon on Jan 1st, supermajority lynch rules will take affect at noon, Jan 2nd until midnight on Jan 3rd, and so on. If a supermajority lynch takes place (like 9/16 votes on someone) they are automatically lynched and this ends the day.

IV. Roles/Affixes:

Linking it from the old thread because it's a doozy

V. Voting:

If you want to vote, use this "[b] vote: player name [/b]"

If you want to unvote, use this "[b] unvote: playername [/b]"

Anything that's not bolded will not be counted!

VI. Voting Log:

Since I'm not sharing accounts with a cohost, we're going back to the old voting log! Which is I will probably periodically post a voting log during the day if requested. (This is probably the hardest part about hosting)

VII. The Rules:

Minor editing made but it's pretty much all the same. Click!

VIII. Contact:

If you want to contact any of the game moderators, please either PM us or you can contact me personally on Skype @ sonrio25. The other cohost can tell me if you may contact them through other means as well.

That's pretty much it, so join if you're interested! Hopefully this thread doesn't crash and burn like the other wannabes.

over 8 years
Okay, voluntaryloser. Say you lynch me today, there is only 1 mafia left afterall. Who is mafia? Because it's possible that

1. Claire is godfather mafia

2. Bigpock is mafia with roleblocker

Tomorrow you die, and you leave SirSlick to hammer. What would you say? (Sidenote, if Claire is godfather, her day 1 makes a lot of sense.)
deletedover 8 years
we aren't really in too bad of a spot. they can't hit me tonight and i think there's one left, so even if we mislynch and i coinflip we have a 50/50 tomorrow
deletedover 8 years
Because I'm not mafia, and i was role blocked and i assume there's one mafia left, that confirms me as not solo mafia, and that last mafia is godfather because your all inno.

I wanted ultra lynched but him vs giras claim and reports were just too perfect to be true for me
deletedover 8 years
yes, that is what he is saying
over 8 years

Bigpock says

He prob role blocked me, that's why he's dead.

Explain this, please. So you're saying one mafia left, but that person is godfather?
deletedover 8 years
the cop died at the end of the day, of course they had an assassin. it isn't an accomplishment to call that out. no, you haven't pushed most on mafia. you were voting bigpock yesterday while claire locked in the vote on ultraaug
over 8 years
btw, I'm the one who called mafia having an assassin. I've pushed on most mafia. Also, what role do you think remaining mafia have? Because, we had a lot of power roles. So I refuse to believe that they have only 2 power mafia roles. So Godfather, and probably something else.
deletedover 8 years
i don't townread sirslick as much as you do but i doubt that he would be the godfather when two people in the innos tunnel eachother all game. i think that gira would always try to roleblock bp last night. so yes, i want to go for the hard lynch today. if it's between you and claire, i think that claire has been way too cocksure to be mafia and i think you've done a few scummy things
over 8 years
Okay, then we lynch bigpock. Unless you're deciding to go for the tough lynch today, voluntaryloser. I want your reads on everyone else because I know you fos me. Also, I would say we are definitely dealing with a godfather, because of the 2 cop roles we had. And Calvin could have very well been Miller. imo lynch Bigpock, because he /could/ be solo maf (very doubtful). What are your reads on Sirslick? Do you townread him as much as I do?
over 8 years
I did not have ANY incentive to kill Matt he did not fos me at all if he did he would of kept voting me on day 1 when he was alive Gerry you really are pulling these out of your [redacted]
Edit: Matt is a good player and everyone here knows it he could of been killed just for the sake of being killed
deletedover 8 years
if you're clear then so is everyone but bigpock
deletedover 8 years

Gira says

anyway i haven't read the topic at all since it re-opened but i'm a cop with innocent scans on sirslick, gerry, and claire. entirely possible and even likely we're dealing with a godfather role but i'd prefer to cross that bridge when we come to it

over 8 years

Gerry says

SirSlick says

bigpock is that a fricking granny claim

There is no granny. So, bigpock has to be = solo role blocker maf (unlikely) or 2 mafia left (very likely)

ah okay

so like then he was saying "he blocked me and I'm not maf"

Bigpock says

He prob role blocked me, that's why he's dead.

over 8 years

SirSlick says

bigpock is that a fricking granny claim

There is no granny. So, bigpock has to be = solo role blocker maf (unlikely) or 2 mafia left (very likely)
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

there's probably one if he mis-roleblocked. i want your read from earlier in the game though, before it became poe

I said it after day 1. I think matt dying, was interesting because he didn't really pr tell. I thought it was someone who had the most incentive to kill him. I think Claire at the time did. As she was fos'd heavily by him. Also, considering the fact that we had a cop, what are the odds that Calvin was miller? Also, I was inno right? So technically I'm clear unless there is a godfather, which is very possible. I don't remember Gira's reports, I just remember someone saying he softed on me.
deletedover 8 years
unless bp is a mafia roleblocker, then he could still be solo mafia
over 8 years
FYI Claire if this was to go to a three way i'm open to hearing people out

it's one of my greatest flaws in my game while also being a strength
deletedover 8 years
there's probably one if he mis-roleblocked. i want your read from earlier in the game though, before it became poe
over 8 years
bigpock is that a fricking granny claim
over 8 years

voluntaryloser says

gerry, how confident are you that claire is mafia and also why? i asked you like three times for your read on her and you never gave it

Look. You're the only one here who has tunneled me. Literally everyone else has come to townread me. Idk what makes you think I'm scum, because of the past 2 days I think I've towntold with my thinking. Anyway, you never answered my question. There has to be 2 mafia left right? Because, Gira fos'd Bigpock right? Meaning at night he would be roleblocker on him. Meaning, there is more that 1 mafia left. That being said. I still think SirSlick is town. So, from that logic. You, me, Sirslick town = Bigpock, Claire mafia.
deletedover 8 years
i really want to lynch you today
deletedover 8 years
gerry, how confident are you that claire is mafia and also why? i asked you like three times for your read on her and you never gave it
deletedover 8 years
He prob role blocked me, that's why he's dead.
over 8 years
Oh wait I just saw this is going to be a maf win because sir town reads gerry over me NOPE NOPE NOPE Unvote
Were lynching in me and Gerry today I refuse to play this game hard as I can and to lose at 3 way would enrage me
over 8 years
Big pock HAS to be scum or the final mafia is gf there for we have a ml due to Gira's reports this is a very simple day

Vote BigPock Also if this is not final mafia i'll see you in 3 way Gerry