i don't think anything you say is a joke, Grannie. It's pretty disturbing. You've been pretty consistent with your beliefs, first thinking it would be a good idea to erase islam and now this thread. Nice job!
okay, Im leaving. Im penning this down as a win for me.
would still like a response for below though
all of this data you're spewing, grannie, is the way it is because of institutional racism, thanks for pointing that out.
I dont care what oppressive state youre in, that's not an excuse for murder. different ethnicities have different cultures, that's not racist. Why is it suddenly racist then to say that some cultures have parts that are pretty bad.
And obviously it's not any individuals fault, no one chooses what their races culture is. And the system IS probably (most likely [okay, fine, it is]) at fault for their culture, but it's kind of hard to fix the problem (from alll angles) without admitting that
well i don't know what exactly you're asking. You seem to be saying that the system is responsible for the statistics being posted ITT. Which, it is, thanks for agreeing with me.