Natalie, I met you a year ago when you'd started playing mafia on the site, There were a few unranked games where I saw you tryhard like an idiot and thought you you'd be great playing comp. I was p happy that you started playing comp after that, like you were probably the best town-teller on the site at the time. You were also a fantastic mod. I think sometimes you take the site extremely seriously to the point where it seems like it has an effect on your life and your emotions and I think that's a line you shouldn't cross. You're one of my best friends on the site and you really were there for me when I needed to vent or just unload all of my stress onto someone numerous numerous times. You're a fantastic friend but you're also an idiot. Take care of yourself and look forward to the new, exciting sh!t in life that comes your way.
I've known you for about a year and a half now? I think? you were probably like my closest friend on the internet for a really long time. Especially during the summer of 2014, I think I leaned on you for support a lot, and I don't know if you knew how helpful you were. There isn't really much to say honestly, talking to you always has me in tears bc of much you make me laugh, you know the right things to say when people need your help or when they really need to hear warm words. You can sometimes be a bit overly judgmental or react in colorful ways out of nowhere to certain situations, but then again you've always been a mystery I haven't been able to figure out. I feel sh!tty about the fact that we drifted away so much and haven't been able to be as close as we used to be again but I think that's a good thing since it means you escaped from this place and actually got a life. Miss you dude and please send me snaps of you outdrinking john when he comes by.