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EpicMafia Confessions

over 8 years

So in honor of my dead thread in the old General... Here we go again!

Post a confession/story that you've been wanting to get off your chest!! (Reminder: This is supposed to be light and funny, not all deep and emotional) I can go first again

Also feel free to copy and paste your old stories from the dead thread

over 8 years
i'm a good housewife i respect and obey
deletedover 8 years
i exist :0
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I was almost born in a toilet... D:
over 8 years
I still don't know how to use tampons. :^I
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I have never lied on the site before. And not once was I ashamed of it.
over 8 years
i love lesbians.
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przes says

Sometimes I would watch the show Cupcake Wars.... and I liked it

Cupcake wars are cool
over 8 years
when people call me manlet for being 5'4 it pains my heart
over 8 years
I never wanted to be banned.
over 8 years
I'm still a Great Pro.
over 8 years
i haven't actually been knighted irl
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SonicTheHuman says

A few days ago I went outside to play soccer with friends and i saw my neighbor who's usually out of country so I ran up to him and hugged him and when i looked away i realized it was someone else entirely and he was looking at me like i killed his family or something

hugging ur neighbour is still p weird
over 8 years
Sometimes I throw up.
over 8 years
A few days ago I went outside to play soccer with friends and i saw my neighbor who's usually out of country so I ran up to him and hugged him and when i looked away i realized it was someone else entirely and he was looking at me like i killed his family or something
deletedover 8 years
When I was in 2nd grade my friend told me the popular kid liked me. I spent 5 years "in love" kid wise with some boy I hadn't even spoken to...ever. She made up stories all the time too to keep it going (staring at me, etc.) Then in 5th grade I asked him out over the phone and he said no.

I was such a weird looking/acting child in elementary school.
over 8 years
I am not a real human.
over 8 years
i poured orange soda on my sisters phone when i was 6
over 8 years
Me and some highschool friends beat up a bum with bats during winter some years ago and teared his shanty town of a house apart too
over 8 years
when i was a kid i lived by a river and i liked to try and catch minnows in the river but i was some slow idiot so i never succeeded BUT SO one day i came home and got a drink and i really wanted a straw so i went to get one and ran my hands over All of the straws and then realised i hadn't washed my hands after playing in the river and got River Germs™ all over the straws so for the next several years (we rarely used the straws and we had them for a long time) i always looked at those straws with guilt
over 8 years
i have three nipples c:
over 8 years
So; back when I was 8 years old, I was one of those types of people who were motion sick easily, swings, merry go rounds; so forth....

And my parents had to drive to H&R Block... to deal with some bills, etc.. and I warned my parents; like "Mom....Dad..... I don't feel good..."
But my parents insisted I'll be fine, but that's when it went downhill.. as we got there... and walked up to the H&R Block door... I felt the urge to throw up, then and there..on the door... thus leaving my parents to explain this to the people inside and out...afterwords when they couldnt open the door... so people from the inside opened it for those on the outside..

I cried on the inside a bit; because they gave me Pepto Bismol..
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im not a real doctor
deletedover 8 years
Uhh went bowling last Friday. The downside of using a small sized bowling ball was that the finger holes were pretty tight (that's what she said) and because they were, as I threw the ball towards the lane, it got caught in my fingers and flew to the neighbouring lane. It only went to the gutter a feet or two past the bowling line and so I thought it was fine for me to cross and get it bc no one was using that lane. I took two steps past the bowling line and landed on my butt. I learned then the reason why you weren't supposed to cross the line and how bowling balls are able to smoothly travel towards the pin strike area :^]. Needless to say I'm gonna keep away from that bowling alley for a little while....
deletedover 8 years
when i was 10 i peed on my friends trampoline from laughing too hard
deletedover 8 years
It was me who ate all the cookies from the cookie jar...