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EpicMafia Confessions

over 8 years

So in honor of my dead thread in the old General... Here we go again!

Post a confession/story that you've been wanting to get off your chest!! (Reminder: This is supposed to be light and funny, not all deep and emotional) I can go first again

Also feel free to copy and paste your old stories from the dead thread

deletedover 7 years

bdog1321 says

confession 2: last post was a joke, don't think they realized because they took it literally. or maybe they did and just wanted to be wankers

"Haha I was only PRETENDING to be r.etarded! Jokes on you!"
over 7 years
sometimes i throw up
over 7 years

Herredy says

I'm...a weeb...

thats gay dude
deletedover 7 years
I'm...a weeb...
over 7 years

bdog1321 says

Sishen says

i still visit this website

thx u did me a heckin good confess

yw fam
over 7 years

Sishen says

i still visit this website

thx u did me a heckin good confess
over 7 years
i still visit this website
over 7 years
confession 2: last post was a joke, don't think they realized because they took it literally. or maybe they did and just wanted to be wankers
over 7 years
glad to know the painfully embarrassing apology video was all intentional

Now what's the next step of your master plan?
deletedover 7 years

bdog1321 says

i doxxed myself and leaked it to get cory in trouble

Don't try to give yourself credit
Ur just a stupid alchoholic that got drunk, threatened me (with nothing to back it up), and then got fkin shrekt by me, abc, and rednose
And then posted a video (that's still circulating) apologizing to us
U did nothing except let alcohol consume you
over 7 years
i doxxed myself and leaked it to get cory in trouble
over 8 years
In August of about 2014 I went to my moms friends house to visit my old friend and his mom and the rest of his fam. And he was going through this really bad smoking phase (weed ofc) and his mom knew he smoked but she couldn't really do anything about it. Anyway, him and his friend invited me to smoke with them in his shed, and his friend was hot and out of anxiety/the need for me to look cool I agreed even though this was my second time ever smoking.

I can't even remember how many hits I took out of their bong Bc I was so f*cked up. And I ended up instantly feeling nauseous, so the hot kid got me a water and some Advil and I was freaking out and I just didn't believe it was Advil. And what ended up happening was that I left the shed and went into the house and made it to the bathroom right before I puked. :) my mom found out what had happened and surprisingly didn't flip out and I think I fell asleep leaning against the toilet... It's all just really fuzzy.

But yeah I smoked and threw up... So I am kind of really lame.
over 8 years
when i was a kid, i used to think that adults when they were young used to have black&white vision.
deletedover 8 years
it was me
over 8 years
When I was around 14, my year went to Alton Towers as a last day event. My friend wanted to find his girlfriend that went so we spent most of the day trying to find her. The only reason I helped my friend find her because I had a crush on her as well but didn't dare admit it to him and was so envious of their relationship.

Again, final day of college, was walking with another friend and this girl that I really lliked, but again she was dating another friend of mine. She turned to me and asked if I had ever had a crush on her, not wanting to make the moment awkward I said no. She broke up with the guy during the holidays and dated someone else.

Oh, and I also fell into a river whilst taking a , drunk, and tried to climb out by holding onto the thorns on the bank. Woke up in other people's clothes.
over 8 years
when I was 8 there was this punk who was like 2 years older than me in our neighborhood and all the neighborhood kids all hung out (we were all in the same age group) and he loved to terrorize me.

one day, I came home crying and my mom wasn't there but my dad was. he asked me what was wrong and I told him the kid was being mean to me. now my dad knew about this kid for a while and wanted to do something about it, but my mom told him to leave it to her. but mom wasn't here this time so my dad told me to call him an as shole and I was like 'ok'

I went back over to his house (it was across the street) and made up this really big speech that u saw in movies before the good guy efts up the bad guy and then I ended it with 'AS SHOLE'. I was quite proud of my self for a fraction of a second, until the guy just called me an as shole back. so I went back to my house crying again.

I told my dad what happened, and then he was like 'kick him'. so I kicked the kid. but then he kicked me back. when I came home again, my mom was there so I talked to her and told her what my dad told me to do and then my dad came down and that was the only time I saw true fear in his eyes.
over 8 years
i pee'd on a homeless guy once
over 8 years
Its okay. Im not a real dove. Im just human.
deletedover 8 years
Im not a real doctor, sorry everyone
over 8 years
once when i was like 7 i thought people are testing me and lying to me about the whole world like my life isn't real i thought my parents are actors too but eventually i started believing them

v creepy
over 8 years
I was vent today and i wanted to do the classic "im virgin" vent... but i accidentally did that to my maf partner i was never so embarrassed in my life.... i sui'd after that.
over 8 years
we were winning as mafia, and for the final touch I was making the town lynch whoever I wanted, because they believed I was detective. somehow I made them lynch one of my partners and I was so embarrassed I had to sui in the night
deletedover 8 years
:0 in 8th grade we had this school dance thing where we stayed at an amusement park overnight and this dude who i just met suddenly really wanted to try to be my boyfriend so when the hotel ran out of spoons he said "oh i'll use your spoon its okay" (like an indirect kiss ew)????? and the next day when i passed out from overheating in the middle of hershey park i was glad to get away from him
over 8 years
One time in 8th grade, this girl had the biggest crush on me and I had no idea. We would text and pass notes (I'm literally the most clueless person) and one day she passed me a note of like a park and a giant tree and on that tree there was a heart carved into it with our Initials together and then a giant "?" next to it. Young przes freaked out bc idk how to deal with emotions so I just stopped talking to her.
over 8 years
before i even knew what rick rolling was i listened to that song because i just really liked it