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last album you listened to

deletedover 8 years

you do not have to have downloaded the album for it to count. that makes this thread more versatile.

deletedabout 6 years
about 6 years

celebrating its bday
over 6 years
over 6 years
Cigarettes After Sex - Self titled

I cri everytime, im a
over 6 years
i meant it when i said im back on my
over 6 years
i will die on the hill that no rancid album has/will ever top Op Ivy, Energy but this one is good, different than the last wich i also enjoyed
over 6 years
lol i suck at seeing when albums come out and didnt find out this existed till today

but lord help im back on my bullsht
over 6 years
Microphones - the Glow Pt.2

It just gets better and better with every listen
deletedover 6 years
same except not at all
over 6 years
Just glad none of you can see my rym page tbh
deletedover 6 years
i am very proud of my son.
over 6 years

debaser says

wrong I’m in it is not a good song and neither are guilt trip and send it up

album could’ve been a 10/10 EP

this is the correct take

blood on the leaves is my favorite song on the album
deletedover 6 years
jeez louise can the both of you stop 9/11ing this thread with bad posts?
deletedover 6 years
blood on the leaves is a masterpiece. i don't want to hear you say anything to the contrary ever again.
over 6 years
wrong I’m in it is not a good song and neither are guilt trip and send it up

album could’ve been a 10/10 EP
deletedover 6 years
blood on the leaves is like the only bad song on the album. do no pass go, do not collect $200
deletedover 6 years

Greninja says

idk how you could dislike yeezus when it has "blood on the leaves" on the track listing

man's got a point
deletedover 6 years
idk how you could dislike yeezus when it has "i'm in it" on the track listing
over 6 years

projectmatt says

i just listened to yeezus by kanye west and i actually really enjoyed it, even though i disliked it before

congrats on finally being woke matthew
over 6 years
i just listened to yeezus by kanye west and i actually really enjoyed it, even though i disliked it before
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
deletedover 6 years

a modern masterpiece.
over 6 years
saturation 3 is out