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last album you listened to

deletedover 8 years

you do not have to have downloaded the album for it to count. that makes this thread more versatile.

over 5 years
over 5 years
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modern baseball sucks
deletedover 5 years

everything in the world is exactly the same
deletedover 5 years

Bebop says

listen to more AJJ!!!
over 5 years
deletedover 5 years

going thru a bit of a musical theatre phase rn
over 5 years
Sadboy indie rock coming through, pedro'll probably love this.

(Elvis Depressedly - Mickey's Dead)

Also just want to say Denzel Curry's latest release is also great, for me he might be the most exciting talent in hip-hop right now.
deletedover 5 years
Denzel Curry - Ta13oo!
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Miles54321 says

Eminem - Kamikaze

Btw, how do i post images

[img] insert image link [/img]
over 5 years
over 5 years
Eminem - Kamikaze

Btw, how do i post images
deletedover 5 years

2014 was just not that good of a year for music
over 5 years
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peach says

marauder was a letdown )-:

it was decisively boring and none of the songs really evolved. like that was probably the worst part. once i noticed that the chords to a song rarely changed it just killed any interest i had in the music i was listening to.

i actually think 2/5 is fairly nice considering how i barely wanted to continue it after a few songs, but it wasn't offensively bad and nothing was structurally offensive or like, actively grating to listen to.
deletedover 5 years

TA13OO, easily album of the year
over 5 years

legendary taste
over 5 years
marauder was a letdown )-:
deletedover 5 years
chocolate starfish and the hotdog flavor water.......
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interpol really set the bar low huh
over 5 years

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over 5 years

The best rap album of the 2010's, this came out in 2017 and I still bang the FK out it so much I even bought the CD

deletedover 5 years
which, speaking of... :)