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Sandbox Mentors

deletedalmost 9 years

Greetings dearest EpicMafians,

In light of the recent mentor program revamp, I was just trying to get some insight from you lot as to whether or not you'd be interested in having Sandbox mentors. I'll encourage you not to troll the poll because this is something we're actually considering, given that there have been a few applications handed in. I'll leave a cheeky little poll up for you to vote on, but I would appreciate any suggestions in the comments section of the thread regarding a Sandbox mentor program.

Sandbox Mentors
almost 9 years
Time to recruit.
almost 9 years
ill be a sandbox mentor
almost 9 years

cub says


This is basically what they need.
But seriously, Sandbox isn't the lobby for serious play, and we kinda make our own mentors here. You learn the ropes from veterans when they are to you as a noavi, or by consistent play. You can't really teach someone how to play sandbox, because we don't exactly have an approved play-style.
deletedalmost 9 years
if we're being honest with ourselves, this mentor program has nothing to do with learning how to play sandbox. I think it's got more to do with getting noobs to feel a bit more comfortable in this wacky hellhole pit of a lobby.

it'd be nice if you could instantly find a circlejerk to hang with though in practice I'm not quite sure if that's how it'd play out

if we WERE to teach anyone anything with this mentor program though, I'd be interested in learning how to make awesome setups. closed role is fun and all, but we have all these fun roles and we hardly do much with 'em ._.
almost 9 years
tbh the only problem i had when i was new was being a noavi. once i got an avi i learned pretty quick.
deletedalmost 9 years
Impressive guide.
almost 9 years
almost 9 years
Step 7: Profit!
deletedalmost 9 years
HAHA Who needs an EpicMafia Lobby Sanbdox Mentor when you can have EpicMafia user jhubeJELLO's F O O L P R O O F 7 Step Guide to being a *professional* EpicMafia Sandbox Player.

Step 1: Always gun EpicMafia jhubeJELLO
Step 2: Always claim virgin as fool
Step 3: Always out your report d1
Step 5: About to be lynched? Never fear! Simply don't be lynched by suiciding from the game
Step 6: Always out your mafia partners to the village!
Step 7:♢♢This step will be available once you pay 5 monthly installments of $99.99 to jhubeJELLO: Celebrity EpicMafia Player
deletedalmost 9 years
Definitely not a bad idea! We can teach the newbies all the wonderful ways to r00s. I'd offer to give mentorin' a shot, but I'm a jerk and always multi-task when I'm on EM (´xωx)
almost 9 years
I would do it consider I already do it now. When I'm not bored and gamethrowing.
almost 9 years

Nocturnul says

95% of sandboxers don't know how to play sandbox themselves and 100% of sandboxers don't take the games seriously enough for a mentor to be necessary.

The way it needs to stay.

Are mentors meant to teach people to not care about sandbox games? I could do that. What's the salary? I can be payed in Reese's Pieces if money is an issue.
almost 9 years
I remember when the only mentoring you needed for sandbox was "load the learn page loser". Good times. Goooooooood times.
almost 9 years
I like the name Sandbox Mentor™ sounds like a rehab program :D
almost 9 years
As a sandbox expert™, I can garuntee that mentoring by myself or any other member of the sandbox community would be only beneficial to new players
almost 9 years
honestly who cares if there are mentors it's not like it would affect any of us unless mods start freaking out about people trolling new players
almost 9 years
I live for ranked n1 clockmaker wins
deletedalmost 9 years
This is another reason why sandbox (the 12p setup) needs to become ranked asap. I imagine a world where every once in a while a ranked sandbox game pops up and you can join and actually play competitively, new gameplay strategies would arise. If you disagree with this give me 1 example why 12p couldn't be played competitively. Reports would actually become valuable. Sandbox would become 100x more enjoyable.
deletedalmost 9 years
05:45 deriding
not content to troll only our forums but also our games
05:47 deriding
sirius plz

deletedalmost 9 years
Sandbox mafia actually ain't bad, to be honest. Although game mechanics definitely take a certain precedence, just for like 10 people dying N1 sometimes and because a lot of people just play for lulz not actually trying to hammer out the truth, it's still got its quirky good bits, the idea of getting your mind moving with the possibilities of a greater variety of roles isn't anything to be scoffed at anyway. Dunno why you'd really need mentors though. Dunno where they'd fit in what with how easy-going the games are, and dunno how or why you'd change that. Let me click my damn role to know what it is besides giving myself eye strain having to squint at some screen trying to figure it out from the learn page though. Anyway, that is my two cents for no reason really.
almost 9 years
Nice meme thread.
deletedalmost 9 years

CindyChiang says

I thought the reason people came to sandbox was to not play mafia seriously because main was a pain in the from people getting overly peed off at everything.

Using the casuals is all part of the pro strategy. The casuals are the key to victory.
almost 9 years
I think this is a great idea b/c, aside from learning to play, new players also can make friends right away!

I think at first it can be intimidating to play in Sandbox when most regulars are, if not friends, then at least familiar with each other. Mentors could give new players a foot in the door and help them feel more confident joining the community! It might also give new players visibility because tbh most new faces kind of fly under the radar. This isn't their fault really. It's just that, generally, you notice your own friends first and maybe new players feel embarrassed or shy to break in on that?

A mentor doing something as simple as introducing their new player in pre-game not only lets other players in-game notice them, but also it gives the new players an identity - something other than an anonymous unfamiliar icon. Example: "Hey guys, this is Joe! He's new, so pls help him out and say hi if you see him :]"

Also, if you're a new player reading this, a great way to start meeting people is, during pre-game, you say something like: "Hi, I'm Joe. Good luck & have fun, everyone!" Friendliness is A++ in lots of ppl's books!
almost 9 years

Furansu says

Bring back/revamp the wiki.

But I think sandbox mentors would be an interesting experiment I guess? I remember I think it was Ballsy who had attempted to do this a while back?

I like this.
deletedalmost 9 years

CindyChiang says

I thought the reason people came to sandbox was to not play mafia seriously because main was a pain in the from people getting overly peed off at everything. Does this mean you're going to implement a report system for people who don't play serious in a game where someone wants to "be mentored"? This will only provoke more deliberate trolling and inflate egos.

Don't fix what isn't broken. If you want to learn how to play mafia learn in main. You get used to the role quick enough here if you use the learn function. It's easy to search and read before night 1. Idea just won't work. Sandbox is fun because it doesn't cause a headache. Having to tiptoe around mommying is just looking for trouble.

And yes I will go back to screaming.


i think there's been a grave misunderstanding.