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Sandbox Mentors

deletedalmost 9 years

Greetings dearest EpicMafians,

In light of the recent mentor program revamp, I was just trying to get some insight from you lot as to whether or not you'd be interested in having Sandbox mentors. I'll encourage you not to troll the poll because this is something we're actually considering, given that there have been a few applications handed in. I'll leave a cheeky little poll up for you to vote on, but I would appreciate any suggestions in the comments section of the thread regarding a Sandbox mentor program.

Sandbox Mentors
deletedalmost 9 years
I thought the reason people came to sandbox was to not play mafia seriously because main was a pain in the from people getting overly peed off at everything. Does this mean you're going to implement a report system for people who don't play serious in a game where someone wants to "be mentored"? This will only provoke more deliberate trolling and inflate egos.

Don't fix what isn't broken. If you want to learn how to play mafia learn in main. You get used to the role quick enough here if you use the learn function. It's easy to search and read before night 1. Idea just won't work. Sandbox is fun because it doesn't cause a headache. Having to tiptoe around mommying is just looking for trouble.

And yes I will go back to screaming.

deletedalmost 9 years
Screaming that this is a thing
deletedalmost 9 years
If mentors are needed, I would like to volunteer. I've help many new players before =)
almost 9 years
Id love to be a mentor.. show em how to gt...
almost 9 years
i want to be a mentor on how to be a poweruser on em and also never log on once you become a lobby mod
almost 9 years
id be more than happy to teach some noobs how 2 post gratuitous vanity shots in faces and veg d1
almost 9 years
Can I be a mentor, if this is a thing? I'd like for Kana to be my mentee if so.
almost 9 years
If this is really going to be a thing I would like to be mentored by the best mentor available. I want to learn the ways of the sandbox lobby, if that's not too much for you.
deletedalmost 9 years

Furansu says

Bring back/revamp the wiki.

But I think sandbox mentors would be an interesting experiment I guess? I remember I think it was Ballsy who had attempted to do this a while back?

Yeah I was a Sandbox mentor. I stopped due to personal reasons. The problem is that new players might not try to seek out this kind of help right away. They need to be pushed into doing it by other people or see it advertised right in there face.

I think 2 Sandbox Mentors will be enough. Maybe 3 depending on how many want to be mentored.
almost 9 years
Why would you want to teach people how to gt and have horrible personalities?
almost 9 years
I volunteer as tribute
almost 9 years
Bring back/revamp the wiki.

But I think sandbox mentors would be an interesting experiment I guess? I remember I think it was Ballsy who had attempted to do this a while back?
almost 9 years
maybe true, idk, this is rather a technicality, with the principle being that "knowledge should be more accessible"

what is rather important for sandbox mentors in my opinion is them being able to overcome the general hostility towards new players
deletedalmost 9 years

optimism says

Though I agree with the addition of wiki, I kind of think that making the wiki a forum is not a great idea because (partially) wiki is meant to be editable. Rather, create the wiki again. It should only take a few lines of code to create a wiki account corresponding to every epicmafia accounts (i.e. that would, say, prevent any issues of spam that have occurred on many, many other websites (if I remember correctly, also on epicmafia, not entirely sure though)), and then just add people (possibly the mentors and sandbox mentors) whose edits appear instantly, and who can review the edits of the other users and make them appear as well, i.e. use MediaWiki's "flagged revisions" option.

Sure, this would require some coding from lucid but honestly it shouldn't take more than a few lines since the "flagged revisions" addon is already available, you just have to take care of autoregistration of users.

i suggested adding a forum category cause lucid wouldnt add coding
almost 9 years

hima says

theres already a wiki yall. its accessible right in games if u click on the little tools at the top of the screen

yea with the exception that the most upvoted strategies are regularly along the lines of "ALWAYS GUN PLAYER X", not to mention that it'd be awfully annoying to, say, add generic tips like "voodoo with words such as 'that', 'shoot', etc." to every single setup guide rather than adding it to a wiki. Oh, and not to mention that this current wiki isn't even a wiki per se.
almost 9 years
Also, if you consider adding sandbox mentors (which I absolutely support), the system has to be completely different from what main lobby's system is given how the general attitude towards new players is even more hostile in sandbox than it is in main, and as such, sandbox mentors, apart from helping players learn the game should also be 'responsible' to maintain a newbie-safe environment, which most likely could be attained by regularly hosting games from which they exclude (via kicking, obviously) any players who might act along the lines of "hurrdurrpolicy" and "gotomainlobbyyoufilthynoob". Sure enough, some people already do this, but if you ever consider adding sandbox mentors, ensure that at least their games are "safe" for new players.

almost 9 years
theres already a wiki yall. its accessible right in games if u click on the little tools at the top of the screen
almost 9 years
Though I agree with the addition of wiki, I kind of think that making the wiki a forum is not a great idea because (partially) wiki is meant to be editable. Rather, create the wiki again. It should only take a few lines of code to create a wiki account corresponding to every epicmafia accounts (i.e. that would, say, prevent any issues of spam that have occurred on many, many other websites (if I remember correctly, also on epicmafia, not entirely sure though)), and then just add people (possibly the mentors and sandbox mentors) whose edits appear instantly, and who can review the edits of the other users and make them appear as well, i.e. use MediaWiki's "flagged revisions" option.

Sure, this would require some coding from lucid but honestly it shouldn't take more than a few lines since the "flagged revisions" addon is already available, you just have to take care of autoregistration of users.
deletedalmost 9 years
And mentors would be the ones doing the threads
deletedalmost 9 years

error says

i think the app i posted obviates the need for any further justification but playing in sandbox is a lot more accessible when you know what you're doing, whether you're passing the time while being banned from main or otherwise.

edit: regarding the above post, the learn tab in no way expounds the seemingly nonsensical effects that certain roles can have on one another, nor does it suggest any role strategies because no one typically cares about writing up strategies for sandbox play.

Add a forum category 'Wiki' with mechanics and role strats, etc.
deletedalmost 9 years

Nocturnul says

95% of sandboxers don't know how to play sandbox themselves and 100% of sandboxers don't take the games seriously enough for a mentor to be necessary.

and this is the type of silly attitude i would hope to curtail by doing this.
almost 9 years
95% of sandboxers don't know how to play sandbox themselves and 100% of sandboxers don't take the games seriously enough for a mentor to be necessary.
deletedalmost 9 years
I would only agree to this if the freshers of sandbox (also known as noobs) were taught to hate the Grey kind. If not, then the newcomers would destroy the sandbase and this place would never be the same - and at the moment, it is perfect the way it is.
almost 9 years
properly playing sandbox is harder and funnier than the "lol fool win best win!!!" and "lynch me im virgin in d1" (among other dumb things even "experienced" players do often) that you see in most games

i vote yes
deletedalmost 9 years
i think the app i posted obviates the need for any further justification but playing in sandbox is a lot more accessible when you know what you're doing, whether you're passing the time while being banned from main or otherwise.

edit: regarding the above post, the learn tab in no way expounds the seemingly nonsensical effects that certain roles can have on one another, nor does it suggest any role strategies because no one typically cares about writing up strategies for sandbox play.