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Love Live School Idol Festival

deletedabout 9 years

a forum to discuss the game llsif! talk about new card sets, events, best girl and share ur ID with other em users!

over 8 years

SirAmelio says

i was able to idolize this gorgeous waifu

deletedover 8 years
holy shi t

im the greatest dumbas s ever why the hell did i even try to tier this one hol y sh i t ive never even tiered a rinpanahonk event let alone this monstrosity

if only i could fullcombo the songs ugh im just barely hanging onto the 3000s and the 4000s are a little too close for comfort...

this is the most points ive ever gotten in an event...and im still struggling to tier...
deletedover 8 years
fug hang on lmao
over 8 years
i got this from a solo yolo like a week ago

and i just got this from the event

deletedover 8 years
i've gotten taisho roman kotori twice now on two diff accounts but its a shame nEithE r of them are MY MAIn
over 8 years

quality soloyolo
over 8 years

TepLep says

my favorite song

never mind this is the greatest song from love live
over 8 years

when you mess up your combo ~10 notes before the song ends :)
deletedover 8 years
not even trying to tbh, was trying to be helpful

this happened and it still bugs me
and i tried to do it again today and screwed up again i hate myself
over 8 years
i dont know why youre trying to start drama in a weeb game thread so just stop postng lol
deletedover 8 years
i actually didnt see that?? sorry fam.

then again ik you dont have a habit of forgiving mistakes people make circa me accidentally kicking you from a game bc i was sick so
over 8 years

Harunan says

aquarius says

its not a glitch and you wouldve known it wasnt if you read the notices zzz

aquarius says

excuse my dumb I did not know

i said ignore me and you wouldve known if you read the thread dumbass zzz
deletedover 8 years

aquarius says

its not a glitch and you wouldve known it wasnt if you read the notices zzz
over 8 years
over 8 years

10+1 scouting brought me only this gem and its real cute

my FIRST actual ur and i love it!
over 8 years
excuse my dumb I did not know
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
yeah i think klab said they were addressing it
over 8 years
anyone else having constant connectivity issues?
over 8 years
So.. I told a bunch of Nozomi fans I didn't like Nozomi a few hours earlier.. She's gonna haunt me..

I like the JP version.. I think it's easier to get rarer cards there.

I got to idolize my Eli!!

fml f these images
deletedover 8 years
:0 wew lads so i need tips on the next EN event

:0 You know, with EN's new LP overflow AND the compensation for not previously having reduced exp before lvl 100, the next event (a medfest, no less) is gonna be BRUTAL. I saw this person with an LP overflow of over 1500 and they said they were gonna try to tier.

:0 Even T3 is gonna be brutal. Is it even worth it to play this event? Is the amount of loveca gained in this event even enough to make up for using up all the LP overflow? I'm lvl 113 right now, and only a thousand EXP away from getting to 114- discounting the compensation for the reduced EXP. With the compensation, I'm not sure what level I'll reach, but I'll assume that the LP is going to be well over 500 at least (which is like....going to be more than 6 loveca worth of refills for me currently).

:0 Plus, a lot of people said that they like the Nico event card to boot, so this event is honestly going to be terrifying. And the person with 1500 LP wasn't even a whale...

:0 Should I even attempt the medfest? Or should I just refrain from playing until the next event...
over 8 years

ok i was able to take screen

also that black stuff is bc the game is not made for this resolution but whatevs
deletedover 8 years
:0 o so i got a scouting ticket

if this link doesnt work this time i put i give up

:0 im happy for the UR...but now my smile team has a promo UR, two actual URs, and all idolized SRs while my pure team still has an R and no idolized SRs.....
over 8 years
today i got an amazon fire as a gift, after figuring out how to install google store i came back to love live trash as i had to delete it from my phone

i havent figured out how to screenshot stuff on it but i scouted this version of my vodka waifu

over 8 years
tfw you log in for the first time in a month for the big update, reach 5 gems, soloyolo and...