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Love Live School Idol Festival

deletedabout 9 years

a forum to discuss the game llsif! talk about new card sets, events, best girl and share ur ID with other em users!

about 8 years

my first ssr on en is the same as my first ssr on jp. i was p lacking in rin anyway so it's all good. not too happy with honoka but it's one of her better cards so imma keep it for now.

i really need umi. and pure cards.
about 8 years
it would make sense if halloween set came out first and then ruby/hanamaru & kanan/mari - yukata set near new years perhaps??

baseball eli idolized is so spunky i want her to bat me to death
deletedabout 8 years
also happy one year to this thread (ノ≧∀≦)ノ
deletedabout 8 years
that nozomi ur loves u i swear omg

+ i WAS saving up for baseball eli but rumor has it that the halloween aqours set might come to en sooner than we thought so i might just save all my gems for that dia ur !! i'm almost at 70 gems already
about 8 years

ive been really unlucky with 10+1 scouts on en yet this is my second time with bt's and ive gotten a ur each time :3c first time gave me maid rin

what sets are yall saving up for
about 8 years
also idolized fairy kotori sr and forgot screencap
about 8 years

about 8 years
so there's a llsif skype group that scott and i revived, if you would like to join please pm either me or fannychmelar, thanks!!
about 8 years
can we please petition klab to change the lp regeneration time

i turn into an elderly lady while waiting for my lp to fully recover
deletedabout 8 years
So i just scouted today an got those two !!
i am not a big fan of the first ssr from muse but i think nicos ssr is fine so i will keep it o:
Waiting for kotori dancer set to scout :(

about 8 years
i somehow collected 5 blue tickets without realising until now. anyway i got her:

kotori SRs are basically tradition for me now
deletedabout 8 years
also i went from 1 to 37 love gems in 2 days ::) saving it for baseball eli
deletedabout 8 years

i didn't screenshot my µ's scout bc i got a hanayo sr i already had rip but !!!!!! my 2nd aqours sr yay
about 8 years
about 8 years

this game is rigged =(
deletedabout 8 years

i got enough rare seals from regular scouting to idolize an sr !!!!!!!!!!!!! rapunzel nozomi is next on my list
deletedabout 8 years
haven't played at all since 4.0 so heres a lil bit of what i've been up to now that i'm getting back into the app!

solo'd this 3-pointer fruit shooting princess when the 4.0 downloaded bc free gems

idolized the sr i've been waiting idolized for like,,ever with rare seals!! good deal

couldn't resist getting one of my dream urs, i love this card w everything in me

did the "scout once in aqours" goal for the scouting ticket and wasn't expecting this !!! i love her

saving my scouting tickers and i have a feeling i'll have 50 lg in like less than 2 weeks bc i have so many cards to max bond w and so many expert songs to play so !!!!!!!! see u soon llsif thread
about 8 years

does anyone ever pay attention to their ranking? this is the highest i've ever seen it
about 8 years
collected another 50 loveca, and as the special scout option is the best year group in muse, decided to roll with it:

it was a very, very good choice

also, i now have a full team's worth of sr-s in the smile attribute, that's neat
about 8 years
thanks to the massive influx of loveca i have 10+1'd another aqours

shes SO CUTE. gotta be my fav member

about 8 years
decided to pick the game back up after like 3 months of inactivity, here's my first new 10+1

the only one sr curse has hit me too
about 8 years
hi friends i did my first 10+1 aqours today

quite disappointing cuz i seem to only get one SR every time i 10+1 but its not that bad since i got all new cards, never having gotten aqours before

i also love to waste my money and bought both muse and aqours starter packs (i wanted the value packs so badly.....)

so scouting tickets netted me two SRs

and then i filled up my honor student bonus for five coupons

good update amigos
over 8 years
Delet this.
deletedover 8 years
kanan has 1 ur and already she has the best urs in this game
over 8 years
is anyone else experiencing pixelly resolution after updating to ios10