There's already one, join that one so i don't feel like i'm talking with myself.
As admin I would make a new round thread. This is visionary stuff, people.
me too
cause rounds are getting even worse as we move towards our individual deaths
deletedabout 9 years
justrec my bff
deletedabout 9 years
good job caroline
deletedabout 9 years
Caro should not have gone 5/5. Thx for watching the coverage
i probably sounded more sarcastic than I meant to be to, lol
if that came across as a putdown it was not meant to.
deletedabout 9 years
pls decomp the bomb A&D whatever its called
frankly i admire and respect the admin strategy of sims, which is to not care about anything
thanks for the support
frankly i admire and respect the admin strategy of sims, which is to not care about anything
deletedabout 9 years
admin anybody else
Real change we can believe in.
Admin me and I will demod Moocow.
Why did no one make the new round thread
sorry but that means you took the wrong step down the evolutionary tree
My dream is to one day ascend from jaded ex-mod and become a great jaded ex-admin.
frankly quitting and becoming a bitter forums ghost seems the best part of being an admin
Speak for yourself, pal.
can u be admin again pls
nah I'm old and cranky now, I wouldn't be good anymore.
i can confirm he is old and cranky
deletedabout 9 years
getting 1500 points is insufferable
I just got reminded why playing with MikeyRu is such a sheet experience. I hope I never play with him again