My cousin is really really hot. I have wanted to bang her for a few months now but i feel disgusted with myself that she is related to me so this is a huge dilemma for me. I have been with other girls and she has been with other guys so it wouldn't be the first for either of us. I always get excited when she gives me the seductive smile. When she touches me (not in a sexual way) i even then get a boner and try hard to hide it. Her buttocks are just so damn hot. Recently she has been flirting with me and one afternoon she got dressed in front of me and didn't even ask me to look away!!!!!!!
She is 18 and I am 22. Should i go for it?
deletedabout 9 years
Man, it's the 21st century. In this post-911 world we live in I'm pretty sure you can get away with just about anything. Bang her, no regrets. Embrace Hedonism. God is dead. Godspeed, bro.
deletedabout 9 years
Actually this is normal me. I'm serious. I am old though, I'm a kid at heart. I even start dancing randomly where ever I go.
whenever i fap over pics of her i always get really hard quick but just after i jizz , i feel very bad and think to myself omg wtf she is basically ur little sister!!!! but then in another few days i would fap over her again.
i was hanging with her yesterday and she definitely likes me. i think if we to be drinking alcohol with each other i could easily get her in bed.
the thing i'm confused about is love. i care for her a lot but thats because she is basically my little sister, i think she is very attractive and she is an interesting girl who i could see myself just living with her and having a laugh n chilling with her.
so since i feel really bad after fapping over a pic of her, idk how i would feel if i slept with her. i would enjoy the sex but i would probably feel like killing myself after. then probably in another few days i would want to bang her again then feel like killing myself, like a cycle. what i want to know is whether if i sleep with her so often would i get over the fact she is my cousin or would i still keep feeling like i want to kill myself for having slept with her
i honestly doubt you're insinuating that cis women, by product of their genetic make-up, are more prone to mental illnesses, so you should clarify
I amn't. It's an insanity stemming from physical insecurity.
which stems from...
I'm unsure what you're asking here, but what I mean is that women are under more pressure than men given their lesser physicality. Men are afforded a quieter life in being men, basically. It's like how the gorilla is the only ape who eats solely vegetation. Dude is king of the jungle so he was able to sit back and relax and figure himself up some compassion. (Just as an illustration.)