about 9 years

My cousin is really really hot. I have wanted to bang her for a few months now but i feel disgusted with myself that she is related to me so this is a huge dilemma for me. I have been with other girls and she has been with other guys so it wouldn't be the first for either of us. I always get excited when she gives me the seductive smile. When she touches me (not in a sexual way) i even then get a boner and try hard to hide it. Her buttocks are just so damn hot. Recently she has been flirting with me and one afternoon she got dressed in front of me and didn't even ask me to look away!!!!!!!

She is 18 and I am 22. Should i go for it?

about 9 years

Vyse says

Good luck finding someone who hasn't been with other guys. x.x

my anime shows have taught me that there are lots of girls that aren't used goods.
about 9 years
stimulate yourself ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
deletedabout 9 years
So anyway. Someone talk, I'm bored.
deletedabout 9 years
Good luck finding someone who hasn't been with other guys. x.x
about 9 years

she has been with other guys

How did you find this out? Anyway, don't do it, shes a sloot
about 9 years
well this ended well
deletedabout 9 years
Lmao otay.
deletedabout 9 years
Vyse dude, shut up.
deletedabout 9 years
No.... I can't even really drink unless I'm happy. you're weird or I am.

So ja. I mean if you're only looking for an excuse. There's plenty of them you can use. Anything can be used as an excuse.
deletedabout 9 years
Is Solace hot?
about 9 years

ling says

you should pm solace

about 9 years
i want to bang her but i know its wrong. alcohol gives you confidence to do crazy things and that will help me for sure. i know it will help me because when im high or pissed and i fap over the pics of her idc after the fapping, i dont think oh crap she is my little cousin. alcohol and drugs are the answer to everything!!!!!!!!
deletedabout 9 years
That's...., you do realize all alcohol does is just make you do what you already want to do. It just makes you more relaxed.
about 9 years
about 9 years
you should pm solace
about 9 years

James007Bond says

i want to bang her right now, i can't help it she is just so hot. it's the devil's temptation. i change my mind im going to bang her but i'll be high and tipsy then that will be my excuse for committing a mistake

about 9 years
i want to bang her right now, i can't help it she is just so hot. it's the devil's temptation. i change my mind im going to bang her but i'll be high and tipsy then that will be my excuse for committing a mistake
deletedabout 9 years
Eh, I still think that you should just chase a girl you're not related too.

I'm totally different to girls I date and girls I'm just being friends with. Also my attitude depends on the person.

I however am the type of guy that always chooses to hang with his girl than the guys. Which gets me alot of when I get a girl.

So ja. Also edark, this is Lucky7 Zephyr. Have I ever not acted this way?
about 9 years

James007Bond says

whenever i fap over pics of her i always get really hard quick but just after i jizz , i feel very bad and think to myself omg wtf she is basically ur little sister!!!! but then in another few days i would fap over her again.

i was hanging with her yesterday and she definitely likes me. i think if we to be drinking alcohol with each other i could easily get her in bed.

the thing i'm confused about is love. i care for her a lot but thats because she is basically my little sister, i think she is very attractive and she is an interesting girl who i could see myself just living with her and having a laugh n chilling with her.

so since i feel really bad after fapping over a pic of her, idk how i would feel if i slept with her. i would enjoy the sex but i would probably feel like killing myself after. then probably in another few days i would want to bang her again then feel like killing myself, like a cycle. what i want to know is whether if i sleep with her so often would i get over the fact she is my cousin or would i still keep feeling like i want to kill myself for having slept with her

deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
i blame god for making my cousin so hot
deletedabout 9 years

James007Bond says

i made up my mind i don't think i will go for it because if her parents or my parents found then thats the end.. and i probably would hang myself if i slept with her. i think im only ever going to try bang her if im ever so depressed i want to kill myself, so very unlikely.

but if she starts seducing me then i will let her just smd, then i'll stop her after that.

i blame god for making my cousin so hot

The crowd is booing.
about 9 years
i made up my mind i don't think i will go for it because if her parents or my parents found then thats the end.. and i probably would hang myself if i slept with her. i think im only ever going to try bang her if im ever so depressed i want to kill myself, so very unlikely.

but if she starts seducing me then i will let her just smd, then i'll stop her after that.

i blame god for making my cousin so hot
deletedabout 9 years
He's the one illustrating my point, not Vyse.
deletedabout 9 years
James Bond 007, legendary assassin and ladies man, being appropriately manic on the Epicmafia forums.