okay, then, help me come up with a better phrase for "human person was not good enough for other human person, but third human person's bar is much lower so they're happy"
"Human person that has had more than one partner in his/her lifetime and is in no way less of a human person"
deletedover 9 years
Sloppy seconds is sexist bill leave me out of this mess
will u help me come up w/ a gender neutral term for sloppy seconds
be more sexist and say robik is getting cucked by soda
deletedover 9 years
*takes a poop* ahhh, what a goode poat...
deletedover 9 years
Sloppy seconds is sexist bill leave me out of this mess
will u help me come up w/ a gender neutral term for sloppy seconds
"fourthmeal" at taco bell
deletedover 9 years
Hey vifam, I'm your stand in
deletedover 9 years
wonder who spookymulder is.......
ah, that would explain the Bad Posts
deletedover 9 years
wonder who spookymulder is.......
deletedover 9 years
Sloppy seconds is sexist bill leave me out of this mess
will u help me come up w/ a gender neutral term for sloppy seconds
deletedover 9 years
Inbox Compose Message panthero sent a message to Rutab 17mon 26d ago « Back Reply LOL .. U ABUSE UR POWERS TO F*** ME UP AND ASK ME TO NOT FIGHT IT AND ACCEPT THE ATROCITY LIKE A MAN. Delete