deletedover 9 years

Hi! I'm a mentor from sandbox and I'm looking for some main lobby mentees who want to learn the sandbox roles and strategies behind playing in sandbox. I will teach you the basics then go into advanced mechanics and strategies to help you win over 50% of your games.

If you're interested in becoming my mentee, I require that you pm me or post in this thread with this simple application:

  • Main Username:

  • Type of mentorship: [basic, intermediate, advanced]

  • Availability:

  • Additional notes:

No joke applications please.

over 9 years
Alright I played a sandbox game and I just had to sit there while town shot themselves to a loss please mentor them
over 9 years

Rutab says

Hmmm, okay, but how often does anyone actually get the chance to use these strategies before a suicide race happens, or, like 99% of the time, the game becomes a giant circle jerk of flirting and trolling?

You know what's funny? You just described main lobby unranked games to me. To start with, suicide race happens usually with 3 situations:

1- Main lobby players decide to make a suicide race on sandbox
2- The boxes (ghosting and fast game) are not ticked
3- It's some [redacted] setup with different roles that people dislike and they were not warned

Circlejerks? Sandbox itself is a circlejerk so everyone gets in, except a few users in a few tables.

Sandbox also teaches you how to get an avatar or you shall fight your way to not be policied-kicked, how to not be a brony and about cropped avatars....

And finally, depending on the game situation, sandbox might turn the game into a troll game (role related or knowing what's everyone role) or a legit try hard game where everyone tries to win with their alignment. Note: A few people victory conditions might be different like getting rid of someone else or eating as wolf n1).
over 9 years
over 9 years
Foxie told me once something along these lines -

Main: convincing people you're right about what could've happened based on alignment.

Sandbox: convincing people you're right based on different role and mechanical possibilities.

Good for you starting up sandbox mentoring, it's just tough that because it's unranked that not everyone will take it seriously.
over 9 years

ballsy says

I'm mainly looking for people who are interested in learning how to play in sandbox but didn't want to because there are just too many roles to learn.

basic: knowing all roles and what they do

intermediate: knowing basic strategies (claiming virgin as virgin and nothing else because that's messed up and you shouldn't lie on the internet, using logic and observations to find mafia, knowing what to put in wills)

advanced: using try hard strategies (faking reports as mafia, clearing yourself and getting claims to find mafia and win the game)

:) ♥ sorry
over 9 years
do i need to make a tumblr?
deletedover 9 years

Rutab says

Hmmm, okay, but how often does anyone actually get the chance to use these strategies before a suicide race happens, or, like 99% of the time, the game becomes a giant circle jerk of flirting and trolling?

That's all part of the strategies. If that stuff happens I can teach people how to play around it to become victorious in their game of mafia.
over 9 years

Rutab says

Hmmm, okay, but how often does anyone actually get the chance to use these strategies before a suicide race happens, or, like 99% of the time, the game becomes a giant circle jerk of flirting and trolling?

not all sandbox games are like that dude, actually the majority aren't like that. sandbox isn't a free for all anymore like it was when 4chan began raiding it. so why don't you check it out once in awhile
deletedover 9 years

dude says

Rutab says

I can understand Survivor having mentors, since it's a very strategic game


I take it you've never played survivor before
deletedover 9 years
While the over generalization and complete lack of intelligence on my peer's parts is hilarious but completely misguided, there really isn't a need for mentorship in sandbox where it actually is a chat room rather than a game.
deletedover 9 years
Hmmm, okay, but how often does anyone actually get the chance to use these strategies before a suicide race happens, or, like 99% of the time, the game becomes a giant circle jerk of flirting and trolling?
deletedover 9 years

Rutab says

I can understand Survivor having mentors, since it's a very strategic game

deletedover 9 years
I'm mainly looking for people who are interested in learning how to play in sandbox but didn't want to because there are just too many roles to learn.

basic: knowing all roles and what they do

intermediate: knowing basic strategies (claiming virgin as virgin and nothing else because that's messed up and you shouldn't lie on the internet, using logic and observations to find mafia, knowing what to put in wills)

advanced: using try hard strategies (faking reports as mafia, clearing yourself and getting claims to find mafia and win the game)
deletedover 9 years
I want serious answers please; I wasn't trolling

If you can answer these questions with serious responses that can be considered strategic and necessary, then fine, but I highly doubt that's going to happen
over 9 years

MeIody says

Basic is learning how to properly follow everyone's vote in the Day.
Intermediate is using your spamming skills to lead the votes on a random noob in the Day.
Advanced is where you learn the art of flirting whispers to cute Sandbox girls in the Day *cheer clap applause*

i've mastered advanced. i don't need any mentoring
over 9 years
Basic is learning how to properly follow everyone's vote in the Day.
Intermediate is using your spamming skills to lead the votes on a random noob in the Day.
Advanced is where you learn the art of flirting whispers to cute Sandbox girls in the Day *cheer clap applause*
over 9 years
edit: i was told not to be mean
deletedover 9 years
Can you tell me the difference between basic, intermediate, and advanced mentoring in Sandbox games?
deletedover 9 years
I just seriously don't understand the need for Sandbox mentors

I mean, I can understand Survivor having mentors, since it's a very strategic game, but this has no reason to be a thing
over 9 years
I, too, can teach everyone how to claim virgin as fool.

over 9 years
over 9 years

dude says

do i need to make a tumblr?

hey dude long time no see
deletedover 9 years
tumblr is not a requirement and is not recommended. Skype helps but is optional.
deletedover 9 years
do i need to make a tumblr?
deletedover 9 years
do i need to make a tumblr?