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Petition to ban uncropped avis

over 9 years

You know them. They lurk in your games, they post on your website. They sleep in your food and eat your house. How long will we go on supporting these freeloading capitalist swine? I am of course talking about those who go on websites like and destroy them. It starts with black bars on the edge of an avi, but gradually gets worse and worse. It is a blatant disregard of common etiquette and an offense to the eyes of anyone who sees it. It starts with one or two of them, but their population grows. It has even gotten to the point where they think they have rights; I saw an uncropped avi make a topic on this very message board earlier today. They have to be stopped. It may already be too late, but with the community's support, I believe we can do this.

I understand some of you don't realize the threat posed by these usurpers of justice. If you are one of these such people, I direct your attention to popular image board 4chan. 4chan uses an avi system much like or, they used to, at least. 4chan does not exist anymore; it is just 404 website. Why, you ask? Because of uncropped avis. It wasn't even a month before the entire sight crawled with them. I don't want this to happen to epicmafia as well, so please, friends, let us join together and fight this poorly concealed capitalist agenda.

You know who was also a capitalist? Hitler.

deletedover 9 years

ballsy says

Suggestion: Crop their avi for them and pm it to them. Problem solved!

great idea, as long as they make it still look nice
over 9 years
yes plese also mikeyru avi is bad and banned should be
over 9 years
how about a petition to ban really bad threads like this one
deletedover 9 years
Suggestion: Crop their avi for them and pm it to them. Problem solved!
over 9 years
I do not see the problem here. My face is incredibly sexy regardless of its cropping.
over 9 years
Hitler is Extreme left wing - like today European Union
over 9 years
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP); National Socialist German Workers Party
over 9 years
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler

(Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)
over 9 years
Holy ~~~~ this topic was MADE for me.
over 9 years
>uncropped avis supporting the movement
over 9 years

ishka3 says

Furansu was that me?

deletedover 9 years
Furansu was that me?
over 9 years
uncropped avis are ugly pls fix
deletedover 9 years
This is the actual worst thing an epicmafia player could do with their avi.
over 9 years
I pleaded to someone once to crop their avi.... pleaded for days.... Now I am dead. Ban them
over 9 years
I support this movement.
over 9 years
You can't bump your own thread with an alt until that alt has played 20 games? Further evidence of the fact that capitalism has seized epicmafia by its muscular gonads.
over 9 years
A vote for this thread is a vote for communism.