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Petition to ban Error

over 9 years

Error is the rudest person on all of EM and he has been banned before. Considering he has not changed since his unban should he be banned again? I think so.

over 9 years

Melt says

puddiouddi says

Melt says

lmao, for some reason error creates his own games, you only join'em because you want. on the other day you started kicking and you said yourself (i'm kicking player X because he was one of the people who made the 100 people game not happening). you might be a person that enjoys that everyone likes you/ not having problems with anyone, i understand that but wake up, that won't happen because everyone's different lol. also if you call error rude then it's a sign that you haven't ever played competitive mafia lol

I kicked some people for ruining the 100 yes but I already forgot about them lol. I don't hold permanent kiclist (Coopers knows). And son, this aint comp, this is sandbox. You're either remotely nice or you don't belong. I used to play comp though but that was long ago in the time of bronze silver and gold lobby.

I remember being kicked from error's and a few other people games at first, did you ever see me complaining about it? not at all, i just knew which tables i wouldn't join. i'm p.sure i've seen a lot of people complaining about error being rude and such, and you creating a thread to ban him just because he kicks you from his games just gives him more reasons to kick you lol. yes this is sandbox but when you say "he's the ruddest person of the whole EM" you're including all lobbies since they're all from em.

You say it yourself, a lot of people complain about Error. So, does the problem lie with him or with all of the complainers? With him of course, that's why he should be gone. Sure we all have people we dislike and are disliked by but he's just a pretend dictator who we should probably get rid of for the good of the rest.
over 9 years

puddiouddi says

Melt says

lmao, for some reason error creates his own games, you only join'em because you want. on the other day you started kicking and you said yourself (i'm kicking player X because he was one of the people who made the 100 people game not happening). you might be a person that enjoys that everyone likes you/ not having problems with anyone, i understand that but wake up, that won't happen because everyone's different lol. also if you call error rude then it's a sign that you haven't ever played competitive mafia lol

I kicked some people for ruining the 100 yes but I already forgot about them lol. I don't hold permanent kiclist (Coopers knows). And son, this aint comp, this is sandbox. You're either remotely nice or you don't belong. I used to play comp though but that was long ago in the time of bronze silver and gold lobby.

I remember being kicked from error's and a few other people games at first, did you ever see me complaining about it? not at all, i just knew which tables i wouldn't join. i'm p.sure i've seen a lot of people complaining about error being rude and such, and you creating a thread to ban him just because he kicks you from his games just gives him more reasons to kick you lol. yes this is sandbox but when you say "he's the ruddest person of the whole EM" you're including all lobbies since they're all from em.
over 9 years
the sexual tension in this thread
over 9 years
why not use a password ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
over 9 years

Melt says

lmao, for some reason error creates his own games, you only join'em because you want. on the other day you started kicking and you said yourself (i'm kicking player X because he was one of the people who made the 100 people game not happening). you might be a person that enjoys that everyone likes you/ not having problems with anyone, i understand that but wake up, that won't happen because everyone's different lol. also if you call error rude then it's a sign that you haven't ever played competitive mafia lol

I kicked some people for ruining the 100 yes but I already forgot about them lol. I don't hold permanent kiclist (Coopers knows). And son, this aint comp, this is sandbox. You're either remotely nice or you don't belong. I used to play comp though but that was long ago in the time of bronze silver and gold lobby.
over 9 years
petition to hug error
over 9 years
lmao, for some reason error creates his own games, you only join'em because you want. on the other day you started kicking and you said yourself (i'm kicking player X because he was one of the people who made the 100 people game not happening). you might be a person that enjoys that everyone likes you/ not having problems with anyone, i understand that but wake up, that won't happen because everyone's different lol. also if you call error rude then it's a sign that you haven't ever played competitive mafia lol
deletedover 9 years
wtf! puddi is so cool
deletedover 9 years
do you know what the origin of "error why kick" is? i can tell you.

last year in 10th grade he attacked me in P.E. during a game of floor hockey and i ended up with a twisted ankle. he was suspended for two days. when we both returned to school i was using crutches and he tripped me on my way to the elevator so i could get to the 3rd floor for science class. before i could turn to face the villain who had tripped the gal with the cast i felt a sharp kick in the leg with the broken ankle. it was in a fetal position, clutching my leg that i was able to see who it was. it was him. it was error, looking down at me with a demonic grin painted thinly and broadly across his villainous face. i could not speak in full sentences for all the pain i was in. i could barely open my eyes. with a deep breath and all the effort i could muster i uttered, "error, why kick?"

but it was too late.

he was already gone.
deletedover 9 years
please god get rid of this person
i regret ever petitioning for him to be unbanned from sandbox
over 9 years
Nobody should get banned for being abrasive.
over 9 years
pls also port bloodborne to PC
deletedover 9 years
[Intro: London Bach Choir]
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she would meet her connection
At her feet was a footloose man
No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime
You'll find
You get what you need

[Verse 1]
I saw her today at the reception
A glass of wine in her hand
I knew she was gonna meet her connection
At her feet was a footloose man

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
Well, you just might find
You get what you need

[Verse 2]
And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're going to vent our frustration
If we don't, we're going to blow a 50-amp fuse"


[Verse 3]
I went down to the Chelsea drugstore
To get your prescription filled
I was standing in line with Mr. Jimmy
And man, did he look pretty ill
We decided that we would have a soda
My favorite flavor, cherry red
I sung my song to Mr. Jimmy
Yeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"
I said to him:


[Verse 4]
You get what you need, yeah, oh baby
I saw her today at the reception
In her glass was a bleeding man
She was practiced at the art of deception
Well I could tell by her blood-stained hands

[Outro] x2
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, you just might find
You just might find you get what you need
over 9 years

tricksterer says

puddiouddi says

tricksterer says

i have found that error is in fact often very willing to make amends with anyone who feels he's mistreated them. perhaps if you tried actually speaking with him instead of publicly targeting him the situation might improve for both parties; you could air mutual grievances in a civil manner instead of adding to them.

I tried that, his answer "I simply don't like you". Puddi no like not being liked :c.

i'm very sorry to hear that, but if you want someone to like you maybe you ought to abstain from posting threads about banning them.

Well, i'm beyond wanting him to like me after I heard that he does the same to others. He had no reason to hate me in the first place and its like he wants half the people to hate him and the other half to like him. I don't think there's place for someone on EM who wants everyone to dickwave in his direction or expect to be kicked. I never kicked someone for disagreeing with me. I only kick gamebreakers and extreme trolls.
over 9 years
I find error to be a pretty cool guy. and i doubt him kicking anyone is going to really affect their life very much, i'd just forget about it and move on. (there are worse things friends ::) )
over 9 years
While I don't expect error to like me, I've found multiple times that he kicks people for disagreeing with him politically (myself included). I mean to the extent that he'll start a political discussion and you politely point out that you do not share his viewpoint he will kick you.

Banning him may be a bit drastic, but if you're gonna kick 60% of the people trying to join your game, why not just make a passworded game?
over 9 years
Error once mumbled, 'The preparation is almost complete... time to move into phase 2.' I assume he's plotting to destroy EpicMafia. Please ban Error #Errormustbestopped
over 9 years

tricksterer says

puddiouddi says

tricksterer says

i have found that error is in fact often very willing to make amends with anyone who feels he's mistreated them. perhaps if you tried actually speaking with him instead of publicly targeting him the situation might improve for both parties; you could air mutual grievances in a civil manner instead of adding to them.

I tried that, his answer "I simply don't like you". Puddi no like not being liked :c.

i'm very sorry to hear that, but if you want someone to like you maybe you ought to abstain from posting threads about banning them.

While I agree with your advice on how not to go about getting someone to like you, I also agree with puddiouddi that error is a menace that must be stopped.
over 9 years
mfw people care about what others think of them...
on a website
over 9 years

puddiouddi says

tricksterer says

i have found that error is in fact often very willing to make amends with anyone who feels he's mistreated them. perhaps if you tried actually speaking with him instead of publicly targeting him the situation might improve for both parties; you could air mutual grievances in a civil manner instead of adding to them.

I tried that, his answer "I simply don't like you". Puddi no like not being liked :c.

i'm very sorry to hear that, but if you want someone to like you maybe you ought to abstain from posting threads about banning them.
over 9 years

tricksterer says

i have found that error is in fact often very willing to make amends with anyone who feels he's mistreated them. perhaps if you tried actually speaking with him instead of publicly targeting him the situation might improve for both parties; you could air mutual grievances in a civil manner instead of adding to them.

I tried that, his answer "I simply don't like you". Puddi no like not being liked :c.
over 9 years
i have found that error is in fact often very willing to make amends with anyone who feels he's mistreated them. perhaps if you tried actually speaking with him instead of publicly targeting him the situation might improve for both parties; you could air mutual grievances in a civil manner instead of adding to them.
over 9 years

mja9678 says

OR you could just stop joining games where you know you're gonna' get kicked straight away >.>

OR! People can just stop being rude and not have kicklists instead :3?
over 9 years
even if you were to ban error his memory would live on in lucid's code riddled with error
over 9 years
Error poisoned our water supply, set fire to our crops, and delived a plague unto our houses!