You are the Rosemary Kennedy of! You are the Kennedy the other ones had lobotomized so her mental handicap would not hurt JFK's presidential bid!
You are the Oliver North of! You took the fall for the whole Iran Contra scandal, even though you had nothing to do with it! You are a martyr that saved the life of Ronald Reagan and saved his anal virginity from prison blanket parties (This is your bonus one Arcbell). Ronald Reagan goes on to win a second term as a moderator, whereas Oliver North goes on to retell his story in such famous books as "Gump and Co" the sequel to "Forest Gump" and host a show on Fox News.
You are the Atilla the Hun of There is absolutely no stopping you, you win your battles again and again. Even the mighty Roman Empire loses to you.
deletedalmost 10 years
You are Mary I of England. You're a pretty good ruler all round but if you get pissed off, heads are rolling. You're basically scary as heck.
deletedalmost 10 years
HEAVYBREATHING6h 2m this is interesting, give me historical figure
You're the Peyton Manning of You always look so good at the start but you just keep choking at the end
deletedalmost 10 years
Ciel9h 10m okkkk
You're the Shirley Temple of You're famous because you're freaking adorable.