i remember when i used to complain that people would try to get refunds in obvious not-refund sitautions, for things like "ISP by negligence" that shouldn't even be vio worthy, and getting them. now we're in a position where something was vio worthy and refund worthy, and nothing happens.
deletedabout 10 years
Just pushed my phone up to the glass. The fish are going crazy! They had no idea that dudes could actually lick their own weiners
it's almost like everyone's reads in the game were hindered by a player not playing. it's almost like everything would have changed if a player had actually been there, and tried. it's almost like that, but it's not, because projectmatt decreed it to be so
projectmatt judged that, in a game in which the cop did not out his hammer choice, decided that the cop was going to hammer wrong. it's pretty exceptional, really. i wish i could read minds like him.
deletedabout 10 years
Please refund all Calvin's games, Retti. :)
deletedabout 10 years
I didn't even notice slows bad posting because riot is too busy with the autofellatio for me to notice things that aren't a dude with his own weiner in his mouth
frankly, it's pathetic. i shouldn't have to fight the moderator team to get just decisions. i should be able to just report a game that deserves to be refunded and get it refunded. trying to work with the moderator team to do the right thing always (always) results in something that isn't correct and also never in my favour
deletedabout 10 years
Take Retti up on his offer. I won gold when the mods did that to me!
deletedabout 10 years
both the towns vote mafia, gt cop votes self instead of his fos who was the mafia, mafia blitz on cop and kick.
Projectmatt: "oh no, there was no way mafia is going to lose that, he gt'd but no refund ~_^"