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Round 261 Discussion

deletedabout 10 years

Congratulations to the winners of Round 258!



Basic Logic

Sex and Lies



Strong Man




Jan 2.0

kill all mods v2

Good luck to the participants of Round 261!

Join the competition!!

about 10 years

BiIIStickers says

Aesop says

someone with 20,000 points knows not to self vote on lylo. that should not be ISP. ban him.

Do you think someone who has won multiple trophies should know better than to completely ignore a guise test at lylo without a single response and then immediately kick once the timer ends, showing he was there all along

i said i was sorry ;_______;
deletedabout 10 years

Aesop says

someone with 20,000 points knows not to self vote on lylo. that should not be ISP. ban him.

Do you think someone who has won multiple trophies should know better than to completely ignore a guise test at lylo without a single response and then immediately kick once the timer ends, showing he was there all along
about 10 years
if that's the case, i have more digging to do. because they likely lost me other games too
about 10 years
change it to a GT vio though
about 10 years
jesus with this much crying the mods are going to get pushed into doing what they want...again
deletedabout 10 years
what's the betting they're an alt of China or friends??
deletedabout 10 years
or just refund the game like it was supposed to be refunded
about 10 years
how about keeping the report as it is and stop coming back to revise it
about 10 years

justrec says

i really really really dont feel like seeing mods take all day when they knew they are going to end up flipping it in the end.

did you, by any chance, actually read the game??
about 10 years
you're not looking at fish. you're looking at your phone
about 10 years
someone with 20,000 points knows not to self vote on lylo. that should not be ISP. ban him.
about 10 years
i really really really dont feel like seeing mods take all day when they knew they are going to end up flipping it in the end.
deletedabout 10 years

Connor says

well, after waiting around for a moderator to make the wrong decision, now i have to wait around for either a) another moderator to make the wrong decision or b) TWO moderators to come around and take several hours to discuss the report until the right decision is made. looks like my day is planned for me

Same, except instead of waiting to play mafia I'm looking at fish
deletedabout 10 years
yeah this is going to take forever
about 10 years
i dont think there's any argument for not giving him a gamethrowing violation.
about 10 years
well, after waiting around for a moderator to make the wrong decision, now i have to wait around for either a) another moderator to make the wrong decision or b) TWO moderators to come around and take several hours to discuss the report until the right decision is made. looks like my day is planned for me
about 10 years
this is the part where the mods/admin gets scared of the community and flips the report
about 10 years
more importantly, he should get GT over ISP
about 10 years
akira should get a gamethrowing violation and that game should be refunded
about 10 years
hoo-boy. that was such a cool account, too
about 10 years

break the circlejerk. be somebody.
deletedabout 10 years
I'm sure those fish can recognise sarcasm and are wondering why other people can't.
about 10 years
that was basically an ISP account. not intentional, i just couldn't be arsed playing and formed a meta, eventually. it was really rad
about 10 years
newjerseynutjob is a weirdo if she really made an account called connorsux
deletedabout 10 years

Lashka says

Random alt turns up, links 2+ year old Connor alt.

Wonder which banned user/forum banned user that is. I'll guess Betrayal.

stop... your owning me