good use of clipart in your presentation, kyle
deleted almost 10 years
someone has to care, even if it has to be me.
deleted almost 10 years
the epicmafia mod team.
the day retti stops caring is the day he dies
i feel sorry for retti. he's stuck in an endless cycle of caring and he will never stop doing it for free
deleted almost 10 years
FoodLion says i think mods should be allowed to say what they want within the obvious boundaries. this whole thing nowadays where all the mods just nod and smile at everything grinds my gears. rutab you plussed this post while preaching against it
deleted almost 10 years
retti does it for free.
You know except without the pay, the benefits, and contributing to society.
deleted almost 10 years
its like the mods are just a bunch of corporate guys in suits.
Should we restate that this is all Vancyon as an admin because as a guy to talk to he was just swell
i have $7.18 on steam and Ostrich Island is $7.19
Sims says grfdqewfxafdzsadqrewfgsdaFDD Truly the people of our generation
deleted almost 10 years
i think mods should be allowed to say what they want within the obvious boundaries. this whole thing nowadays where all the mods just nod and smile at everything grinds my gears.
everyone that negs my posts deserves the worst fate possible
deleted almost 10 years
Rutab says Shut up Sonseray this isn't the discussion This is you defending vancyon. Vancyon was bad at his job, and I am providing examples. Example: Vancyon modded cheaters knowingly and also knowingly allowed cheaters to trophy.
ive asked countless times for examples of where bear has been ~mean~ and no one has gotten me any :{
justrec, maybe i wouldn't pick on you if you stopped negging my god damn posts