deletedover 10 years

Think you have what it takes to become Epic Mafia's next best singer? Time to find out!




about 10 years
xela's flow is so good *-*
deletedabout 10 years
go sing stars go!
deletedabout 10 years

Shmeur says

best disney song is squirrels in my pants

s-i-m-p squirrels in ma pantz

also, got it mafiagod!
deletedabout 10 years
Alright guys. If you got a PM but you entered, please let me know. I may have skipped over your entry seeing as all of you submitted at once lol.

Document will be released the 5th or so, along with the winner. Be patient. Next round is set to start January 6th or as soon as the winner picks a theme.

Im extending this until tomorrow because a few people didn't submit and I forgot to send a reminder.

Also: Since a few people dropped out/were inactive, I entered in some replacements since they missed the deadline. No more after this though, since it'd be unfair for people to skip ahead a few elimination rounds.

Hope you guys had a great holiday!!
about 10 years
See PM apple
about 10 years
deletedabout 10 years
No! Busted from Phineas and Ferb!! Sooo catchy =D
about 10 years
best disney song is squirrels in my pants
deletedabout 10 years
Oh, darn. Wish I knew about this before or I would have joined!!
deletedabout 10 years
So I'm super sick this week :d still tried lol
about 10 years
One of these days I'll spend more than 2 drunken debaucherous days on a song.
about 10 years
Can someone pick Zeppelin so I can cover Stairway already?
about 10 years
Nano my roomate told me to sing that one but I don't like Mulan.

I sang One Jump Ahead cuz I identify strongly with pre-Genie Aladdin.
about 10 years
i need a new a mic
about 10 years
about 10 years
Yo i chose aladdin cuz he rags to riches like me. Xcept I ain't fok with no rags.
deletedabout 10 years
majif better be singing "make a man out of you"
about 10 years
Will make a gangsta song next just 4 u
about 10 years
none of these disney songs are gangsta enough
deletedabout 10 years O'Malley, the Alley cat~
deletedabout 10 years
deletedabout 10 years
deletedabout 10 years

LightRays says

I want to join! :D How do I apply?

already done with applications sadly :(

i can save you a spot for season three if you want, just PM me :)
about 10 years
I want to join! :D How do I apply?
deletedabout 10 years

Majiffy says

Dear Apple: I submitted yesterday. Please update the submissions list!

Oops! Haven't updated it. Sorry about that! On it now. :)