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Round 240 Discussion

deletedover 10 years

Kill mods.

Round 238 Winners: Everyone

Round 238 Losers: Mods

Trash: Mods, Setups

Good luck everyone!

over 10 years
he wrote "nobody would mind if you left," and you counter it with 5 paragraphs of mad
over 10 years
you're mad, dude
over 10 years

catbae says

as of last round the competition was still more active than it ever was in competitive, and comp games are not the whole website, though nobody would mind if you left

you act as if you are better known than i am amongst the entire community. let me inform you that your little close-knit circle of elitist stupidity isn't even close to being the majority, let alone a solid 1/3 of the site.

but hey, i guess catching cheaters and then cheating with others is a sport for you at this point, so maybe you can put that one on your resume, eh buddy?

because when it comes right down to it, your little squabbles on this social experiment amount to nothing, and hence i treat it with as much regard as it deserves.

which, oddly enough, has merited me more acclaim than all of your cheating accusations put together. what a shame. oh, and then lucid unbanned all of those players.

and then you said, well if you cant beat em, join em. good for you, you've really shown yourself to be a wealth of positivity on this party game website.
over 10 years
Because lucid sucks
deletedover 10 years
nothing we can do about it. it's a coding issue
over 10 years
you shouldn't have to sit through those abysmal red hearts on an alt if your main braved through it already.
deletedover 10 years
He's worse than Nighthawk
over 10 years
i don't recall pandaclaus being aggressively bad
deletedover 10 years
has already been proven.
deletedover 10 years

animegayboy69 says

the fact that grls/nighthawk won a trophy on hollywood illusions proves it is a trash setup
over 10 years
the fact that grls/nighthawk won a trophy on hollywood illusions proves it is a trash setup
over 10 years
The bae just dropping folk
deletedover 10 years
deletedover 10 years
I know what you should do with your time!! Make something for youtube.
deletedover 10 years
over 10 years
as of last round the competition was still more active than it ever was in competitive, and comp games are not the whole website, though nobody would mind if you left
over 10 years
comp games are rarely filling past 12 est again. max of 1 game fills every hour or so. looks like the site is slowly dying off for good.
over 10 years

ScubaSteve says

As it turns out, I no longer know how to do html in thread topics, so this is what we're stuck with until someone teaches me how to do it.

thread topics/bios use markdown
over 10 years
sticky this
deletedover 10 years
It's a good thread.
over 10 years
fine as is
deletedover 10 years
As it turns out, I no longer know how to do html in thread topics, so this is what we're stuck with until someone teaches me how to do it.
deletedover 10 years
Thanks pal
deletedover 10 years
this post sucked actually im tired and jet lagged
deletedover 10 years
Who took ALIO down?