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Round 240 Discussion

deletedover 10 years

Kill mods.

Round 238 Winners: Everyone

Round 238 Losers: Mods

Trash: Mods, Setups

Good luck everyone!

over 10 years
anyway w.e, i was making an observation. doesnt mean its 100% accurate. later folks
deletedover 10 years
make up ur mind bernie
deletedover 10 years
didn't gira just prove that comp's been fine
over 10 years
Nvm. I agree with Orly.
over 10 years
no, what i was saying is that one of the signs of inactivity in comp lobby was the lack of more than a single comp game played per hour after 12est, which is what is happening again in main lobby.

the site is slowly dying, but no one is really finding ways to prevent that beyond sustaining the group we currently have
deletedover 10 years

Orly says

Slow says

tl;dr, tbh.

tl;dr, i love u guys <3

over 10 years

Slow says

tl;dr, tbh.

tl;dr, i love u guys <3
over 10 years
you complained about the site dying because competitive games were inactive

with this proven to be untrue, you now claim to not care about the competition

over 10 years
I disagree with everyone.
deletedover 10 years
*someone knocks on the hotel door*
goodbar: "come in"
deletedover 10 years
deletedover 10 years
At least you are validating the poo that is your posting
deletedover 10 years

retti says

Seeing slow sh*tpost right next to me is a truly enlightening expierence

"check the round thread, i just posted in there"
over 10 years
ironically, as far as i know, none of us consider ourselves the "elite" of em. that's a title you've given us, and you're mad about it
over 10 years
u mad, bro? :P
deletedover 10 years
tl;dr, tbh.
over 10 years

catbae says

i guess you're right in that i don't care enough about the site to post videos on youtube crying about it

except that the video i made was a well-structured statement about the condition of the site that i rambled off while quite drunk, and hilariously enough, plenty of you thought i wrote a speech prior and was reading off of it.

and no, i actually enjoy this game for what it is: a party game. it's not meant to be taken to a competitive level. that is what has always been the downfall of this community. competition is fine, but the excess is what pushes it to cheating, metagaming, and plain cruelty and hatred towards your fellow player.

you have, for the most part, been a contributing, positive individual on the site. idk what's going on with you as of late, but it seems like you have some serious attitude besides this environment. i sympathize and i hope you're doing well.

see, in the end, i still like you as a person. i like everyone on this site, because you've made a thrilling experience that i can stimulate my mind with every time i play. you may think i play casually, but i've always played at my own pace, just enjoying the game for what it is. at its toughest, it's a mental and social exercise, and at its easiest, it's just another form of online entertainment.

so excuse me for being all personal and provoking you, but you have this vast misconception of me that has been maintained around the group i did just insult, but believe me, it's always been a game to me to put on those airs and put forth that personality.

i believe im reiterating what ive said in the past, but please forgive me if i've ever caused genuine distress. i always meant it lightheartedly.

sorry for the rude statements to all you guys who consider yourself the "elite" of EM. you are what is keeping the competitive side of EM alive, which is never a bad thing at its core.
deletedover 10 years
i would but my hand is too heavy...
deletedover 10 years
now re-sticky my thread. rutab's sucks.
deletedover 10 years

ScubaSteve says

Slow says

ScubaSteve says

Slow says

the "kill all mods" joke is really being thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible

You will be the next joke to be thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible ...

will it be funny

it'll be serious

over 10 years

nice says

why do you guys have to turn everything into a fight

not everyone can be as nice as nice i guess
deletedover 10 years

Slow says

ScubaSteve says

Slow says

the "kill all mods" joke is really being thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible

You will be the next joke to be thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible ...

will it be funny

it'll be serious
deletedover 10 years

ScubaSteve says

Slow says

the "kill all mods" joke is really being thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible

You will be the next joke to be thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible ...

will it be funny
deletedover 10 years

Slow says

the "kill all mods" joke is really being thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible

You will be the next joke to be thrashed to death as violently and publicly as possible ...
deletedover 10 years