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Top Doctor Who Series

almost 10 years

To all you lonely Whovians on EpicMafia...

...this thread is for you!

Here I rank my personal favorite series' of Doctor Who's new era. I will count Series 8.

Spot 8: Series 7

Oh god. This series was an overblown 'fanservice' for all the heartbroken teenagers when they found out that Matt Smith was leaving. Clara's storyline made no bloody sense, there were no 2-parters (which now that i think about it, are really important to the series) and they split the show halfway through airing due to the Olympics. Everyone knows that Doctor who would get better ratings than the Olympics tho...>:)

Pros: Cold War, The Power of Three, Nightmare in Silver (yeah, l liked this episode)

Cons: Everything Else

Spot 7: Series 2

Meh, this series was fine, it just had no real stellar episodes. Also, it had "Love and Monsters," an episode considered my all of EpicMafia to be dogsh*t, apart from me.

"Oh, but Myths! It had "The Girl in the Fireplace!"

Yeah, yeah it did. I have to give this series credit for what it tried to do, and it introduced a lot of new stuff, but i never believed Rose and The Doctor's relationship.

Pros: The Girl in the Fireplace, School Reunion, The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit

Cons: The Rise of the Cyberman/The Age of Steel, Fear Her, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday

Spot 6: Series 6

Yeah other than the whole 'River Song' arc this was actually a really good series. Good choice bringing Rory into the equation, and Craig's return was well done.

Pros: The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex, The Doctor's Wife (fun fact, Rory actually waited 2000 years for Amy TWICE, because of this episode.)

Cons: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, The Curse of the Black Spot, A Good Man Goes To War.Let's Kill Hitler

Spot 5: Series 8

The episodes in this series were either really good or really bad. Personally, Capaldi is my second favorite Doctor, he's old, funny, and logical, not since Patrick have we seen this. Clara was tolerable in this. The only overall letdown is that horrid title sequence.

Pros: Listen, Flatline, Mummy on the Orient Express

Cons: Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, IN THE FOREST OF THE F*CKING NIGHT

Spot 4: Series 3

Yeah, this is where we delve into a little controversy. The only reason why this isn't higher is because the Master arc was runied by the last episode, and Martha. Martha was just fien except when she loved the Doctor. Those scenes made me cringe.

Pros: Blink, The Family of Blood/Human Nature, 42

Cons: The Last of the Time Lords, Smith and Jones, Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks

Spot 3: Series 5

Of all the arcs, the Crack in the Wall is my favorite. Has some really solid episodes, good chemistry, and River wasn't overboard on her "Spoiler Factor." Also, the Weeping Angels return! This was a nice change of style from the lighter stuff we'd seen before.

Pros: Amy's Choice, The Time of Angels (but not Flesh and Stone) Vincent and the Doctor

Cons: The Beast Below, Flesh and Stone (but not The Time of Angels)

Spot 2: Series 4

Really good. Donna is my favorite companion so far, and her sendoff is the only one I have actually wept for. (jk not wept, just saddened) Also, River was introduced here. That's all I have to say.

Chemistry: Good. Acting: Good. Good marks all round.

Pros: Midnight, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Turn Left, and The Voyage of the Damned

Cons: The Doctor's Daughter, The Sontaran Strategem/The Poison Sky

Honorable Mention:

The 2008-2010 Specials

The only reason I can't count this is because it wasn't a real Series per se. However, The Waters of Mars is an excellent standalone.

Pros: The Waters of Mars, The End of Time

Cons: Planet of the Dead



Spot 1: Series 1

Christopher Eccleston made his mark. This is the BEST series of Doctor Who, no doubt. Good characters, great acting, wonderful style, everything is flawless. Even the Slitheen were necessary, or else we probably wouldn't have had The Sarah Jane Adventures, a show ran by Russel T that sometimes rivals Doctor Who episodes. The Bad Wolf arc always was a good chill, and the overall theme of humanity was evident throughout.

Pros: Everything, but especially Fathers Day, Rose, and Dalek

Cons: maybe The End of the World

Well that's my list. Leave a comment on how you think it's wrong!

Who is your favorite Doctor Who series of the New era?
Series 1
Series 5
Series 4
Series 8
Series 2
Series 3
The Specials
Series 6
Series 7
deletedalmost 10 years
Rose is so overrated.
Bad wolf is the only good episode, and I only say that because of the weakest link part lol.
almost 10 years
well onto the next ep D:
almost 10 years
worst line: save the girl you love (or something like that).. 6 episodes in a dalek thinks hes in love with rose when theres been so little progression between the two

c r i n g e
deletedalmost 10 years

Vancy says

I actually was so bored when I watched the doctor dances, which everyone says is one of the greatest ever episodes.

i too can quote myself
deletedalmost 10 years

Nonon says

every conversation makes you cringe

and all the action scenes are poorly scripted with very awkward periods of time
deletedalmost 10 years
I actually was so bored when I watched the doctor dances, which everyone says is one of the greatest ever episodes.
deletedalmost 10 years
every conversation makes you cringe
deletedalmost 10 years
idk what ur smoking myths series 1 is pants
almost 10 years

Vancy says

Don't get me wrong, Christopher Eccleston is great, its just the rest of the show struggles. Rose is overrated in my opinion, she only comes into her own in Series Two. I guess Dalek/Father's Day show some minimal development of her character though

ugh just watched dalek. this series is just so slow, the plot is meh :s
deletedalmost 10 years
lmao I haven't watched that one yet oops
almost 10 years
i love how you didn't include in the forest of the night. that episode was just awful
deletedalmost 10 years
1. Listen
2. Kill the Moon
3. Mummy on the Orient Express
4. Time Heist
5. The Caretaker
6. Flatline
7. Robot of Sherwood
8. Deep Breath
9. Into the Dalek

I haven't seen the two parter yet and can't really rank half of a story even if i did watch it
almost 10 years
right. how would you rank series 8's episodes?
deletedalmost 10 years
Don't get me wrong, Christopher Eccleston is great, its just the rest of the show struggles. Rose is overrated in my opinion, she only comes into her own in Series Two. I guess Dalek/Father's Day show some minimal development of her character though
almost 10 years
(im rewatching)
deletedalmost 10 years
we're watching series 1 and its a bit cringey sometimes
deletedalmost 10 years
1 was rough around the edges and struggled to find its place. 8 has had several amazing episodes (Listen, Kill the Moon, & Mummy on the Orient Express)
almost 10 years
hrm...why did you like series 8 more than 1?
deletedalmost 10 years
1. Series 4
2. Series 2
3. Series 3
4. Series 8
5. Series 5
6. Series 1
7. Series 6
8. Series 7
almost 10 years