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Top Doctor Who Series

almost 10 years

To all you lonely Whovians on EpicMafia...

...this thread is for you!

Here I rank my personal favorite series' of Doctor Who's new era. I will count Series 8.

Spot 8: Series 7

Oh god. This series was an overblown 'fanservice' for all the heartbroken teenagers when they found out that Matt Smith was leaving. Clara's storyline made no bloody sense, there were no 2-parters (which now that i think about it, are really important to the series) and they split the show halfway through airing due to the Olympics. Everyone knows that Doctor who would get better ratings than the Olympics tho...>:)

Pros: Cold War, The Power of Three, Nightmare in Silver (yeah, l liked this episode)

Cons: Everything Else

Spot 7: Series 2

Meh, this series was fine, it just had no real stellar episodes. Also, it had "Love and Monsters," an episode considered my all of EpicMafia to be dogsh*t, apart from me.

"Oh, but Myths! It had "The Girl in the Fireplace!"

Yeah, yeah it did. I have to give this series credit for what it tried to do, and it introduced a lot of new stuff, but i never believed Rose and The Doctor's relationship.

Pros: The Girl in the Fireplace, School Reunion, The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit

Cons: The Rise of the Cyberman/The Age of Steel, Fear Her, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday

Spot 6: Series 6

Yeah other than the whole 'River Song' arc this was actually a really good series. Good choice bringing Rory into the equation, and Craig's return was well done.

Pros: The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex, The Doctor's Wife (fun fact, Rory actually waited 2000 years for Amy TWICE, because of this episode.)

Cons: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, The Curse of the Black Spot, A Good Man Goes To War.Let's Kill Hitler

Spot 5: Series 8

The episodes in this series were either really good or really bad. Personally, Capaldi is my second favorite Doctor, he's old, funny, and logical, not since Patrick have we seen this. Clara was tolerable in this. The only overall letdown is that horrid title sequence.

Pros: Listen, Flatline, Mummy on the Orient Express

Cons: Into the Dalek, Robot of Sherwood, IN THE FOREST OF THE F*CKING NIGHT

Spot 4: Series 3

Yeah, this is where we delve into a little controversy. The only reason why this isn't higher is because the Master arc was runied by the last episode, and Martha. Martha was just fien except when she loved the Doctor. Those scenes made me cringe.

Pros: Blink, The Family of Blood/Human Nature, 42

Cons: The Last of the Time Lords, Smith and Jones, Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks

Spot 3: Series 5

Of all the arcs, the Crack in the Wall is my favorite. Has some really solid episodes, good chemistry, and River wasn't overboard on her "Spoiler Factor." Also, the Weeping Angels return! This was a nice change of style from the lighter stuff we'd seen before.

Pros: Amy's Choice, The Time of Angels (but not Flesh and Stone) Vincent and the Doctor

Cons: The Beast Below, Flesh and Stone (but not The Time of Angels)

Spot 2: Series 4

Really good. Donna is my favorite companion so far, and her sendoff is the only one I have actually wept for. (jk not wept, just saddened) Also, River was introduced here. That's all I have to say.

Chemistry: Good. Acting: Good. Good marks all round.

Pros: Midnight, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Turn Left, and The Voyage of the Damned

Cons: The Doctor's Daughter, The Sontaran Strategem/The Poison Sky

Honorable Mention:

The 2008-2010 Specials

The only reason I can't count this is because it wasn't a real Series per se. However, The Waters of Mars is an excellent standalone.

Pros: The Waters of Mars, The End of Time

Cons: Planet of the Dead



Spot 1: Series 1

Christopher Eccleston made his mark. This is the BEST series of Doctor Who, no doubt. Good characters, great acting, wonderful style, everything is flawless. Even the Slitheen were necessary, or else we probably wouldn't have had The Sarah Jane Adventures, a show ran by Russel T that sometimes rivals Doctor Who episodes. The Bad Wolf arc always was a good chill, and the overall theme of humanity was evident throughout.

Pros: Everything, but especially Fathers Day, Rose, and Dalek

Cons: maybe The End of the World

Well that's my list. Leave a comment on how you think it's wrong!

Who is your favorite Doctor Who series of the New era?
Series 1
Series 5
Series 4
Series 8
Series 2
Series 3
The Specials
Series 6
Series 7
deletedalmost 10 years
I actually loved the River Song stories in Season 6, which I felt were the only good parts of it. Oh and obviously the Doctor's Wife. I honestly don't see the Girl Who Waited as a good episode at all, and the hotel story was ridiculous, as was the one with the scared child
almost 10 years
usually dr who stories that end with "the power of love" just really aggravate me because they're usually so bland. the sci-fi endings are much better
almost 10 years

Vancy says

I actually didn't mind the end of Season 3 tbh. People exaggerate when they express their disdain for it. Harold Saxon was also brilliantly acted. Absolutely brilliant.

ye john simm master best master
almost 10 years
the reason i put series 5 pretty high was because it had a cohesive story arc that actually worked. after that moffat turned all shymalyan and went all twisty .

apart from all the river song stories and the curse of the black spot, series 6 was actually really good.

(i just said take out half of series 6 didn't i)
deletedalmost 10 years
I actually didn't mind the end of Season 3 tbh. People exaggerate when they express their disdain for it. Harold Saxon was also brilliantly acted. Absolutely brilliant.
almost 10 years
so you liked the last of the time lords, er, sorry, the doctor becomes jesus?
almost 10 years
I just looked at your list, I can kinda agree with it except the series 2 part. Swap it with series 5 and it'll be perfect!
almost 10 years
Series 2 had a lot of good episodes, had a lot of terrible episodes. Love & Monsters and Fear Her were both thrash, but the rest of the episodes were pretty good. Also Rose, actually like 100% Rose, I think this season would be rated about 5th or 6th on my list without Rose in it

Series 3 was consistently astounding throughout. The storyline throughout this entire series was incredible with the master. Even the episodes I hated like The Lazarus Experiment had a really interesting concept that added to the entire series as a whole. Evolution of the Daleks was also weak, but I really enjoyed the first episode to it(Daleks in Manhattan). Other than that, the rest of the episodes speak for themselves and it had an extraordinary ending that tied up everything.
almost 10 years
Alright, so I liked Matt Smith as the Doctor more than I liked David, but most of Matt's series were relatively bland in comparison to the previous series, which is why all of them rank at the bottom.

Season 1 was a good series but besides The Doctor Dances and Bad Wolf, none of the episodes were extremely memorable. Also graphics and stuff weren't the best, especially the monsters (Like in world war 3, like what were those things) but that wasn't really anyone's fault.

Season 4 had a lot of good episodes towards the end of it. The second half of season 4 was probably the best stretch of doctor who ever, from like The Silence in the Library all the way to Davids regeneration it was amazing. Unfortunately, the first half was just ordinary, season 4 would hands down be the best if the awesomeness of the second half was in the first half.
almost 10 years
Too many of these lists, I haven't even listed my top 10 for the worst ones yet, but this is a ton easier I suppose. I'm not gonna include series 8 cuz I haven't seen it.

7.Series 6
6.Series 7
5.Series 5
4.Series 1
3.Series 4
2.Series 2
1.Series 3
almost 10 years

Meganekko says

fathers day was good + now we're about to watch it

how was it
almost 10 years

Nonon says

congratulations on being special. do u want a medal

yes i do
almost 10 years
fathers day was good + now we're about to watch it
deletedalmost 10 years
congratulations on being special. do u want a medal
almost 10 years
series one was so different from all the other series, that's what made it better. i have a very unpopular opinion

also, fathers day anyone? probs best episode of season 1
almost 10 years
"i just want a mate"
almost 10 years
i saw that the other day. it's very good, british humour.

deletedalmost 10 years

first and last time the doctor ever got ****-blocked by a companion
almost 10 years
yes please. poor donna :(((

this episode was good iirc. i have hope :D
almost 10 years
super saying
deletedalmost 10 years
im glad clara got better though
deletedalmost 10 years
If they can retcon a good ending for rose, they should retcon donna getting her memory back and surviving it just saying

Edit: Well just Donna then. Donna is god tier.
deletedalmost 10 years
clara fancied 11 though
deletedalmost 10 years
there's still that awful 'i dont know if i can love him anymore now that he's changed DDDD=' drama. Like honestly the only companions that haven't tried to get into the doctor's pants are Donna and Clara
almost 10 years
shes overrated in season one at least. w/ tennant she was a lot better iirc