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Post about a super power you want

over 9 years

The next user will respond with

1) the condition of your(the previous poster's) superpower

2) the superpower they(the poster) want

I'll start

  1. The power to never have to excrete nor consume food.
over 9 years
You need to focus every second to keep your own blood in check.

I want to be able to spread Ebola freely, without getting infected myself.
deletedover 9 years
You become a villian, speaking in metaphors, and die by aquamen.

abilty to control blood
over 9 years
but the battery lives are 1s a piece

the ability to speak entirely in metaphor
deletedover 9 years
With password on it.

The abilty to controll electronic devices
over 9 years
Congrats, you now understand literally everyone. Everyone now goes to you for advice and to solve their problems, and though you now have empathy... You will ever understand your own emotion and feelings ever again.

The ability to always have wifi wherever I go.
over 9 years
You age twice as fast.

Ability of empathy.
deletedover 9 years
But you get pain.

Abilty to regenerate superfast.
over 9 years
but you want to hear what everyone has to say no matter what

the power to give pleasure to anyone
over 9 years
u end up ruining ur hearing

the power to mute people whenever
over 9 years
You will be assassinated out of jealousy.

The power of super screech.
over 9 years
but your mind is controlled by reptilians

the power to be super cool and awesome
over 9 years
Only to those with 20,000 points+.

The power to control movement of planets.
over 9 years
you can only do impossible things and nobody trusts you anymore

power to be a good mod
deletedover 9 years
you are now a car

I wish to have the power to do the impossible
over 9 years
but your hair will be in a permanent mohawk

i wish to have the power to be super fast
over 9 years
the games break 50% of the time

i wish i could change the color of my hair whenever i want to whatever i want without actually having to go through the process of dying it
deletedover 9 years
but you can only fire them on black ppl.

I want to be able to fill any game I want in 10 secs even if it needs 25 ppl.
over 9 years
Only works outside of space and time.

Hex bolts.
deletedover 9 years
Turns out technomancy comes with really big headaches! The bigger the machine, the worse it is! (Don't go for supercomputers- first warning)

Pyromancy, because I'm unoriginal as (´・ω・)
over 9 years
You would be the worst godly soccer player in existence,

The power to control machines.
over 9 years
Granted, but you'll only want to create poo.

I want to be able to play godly soccer! (Inazuma Eleven for reference. Google it. Or look at my profile. Whatever.)
deletedover 9 years
You need a lisence, and explosives for that.. DUH!

Ability to use magic, to create anything I want out of nothing.
deletedover 9 years
The money turns into dust when you try to use it,

The power to blow stuff up.
over 9 years
Only u cant use them :/
the power to make lots of money
over 9 years
but you won't get credit for it

the power to make up good superpowers