deleted about 10 years
Sims says any 10p setup that can have day 1 autowin is inherently bad any 10p setup that can have d1 auto flip to maf win is ok imo
any 10p setup that can have day 1 autowin is inherently bad
deleted about 10 years
let's recomp sds. that's a bad setup but it can be fun when i win on it because poeple throw for me in regular fashion
deleted about 10 years
kittenz is honestly just a bad setup since most 10 man setups are bad by design
deleted about 10 years
isn't it great? ^_^
imo if it wasnt being played by the dumbest people alive it'd be at least 5% more townsided
deleted about 10 years
Sims says it's townsided garbage when the town doesn't find ways to throw away autowin you just need a good GF. I like having GF roles that must carry, it's refreshing. If you flip GF you know you're in for a wild 45 minutes
it's townsided garbage when the town doesn't find ways to throw away autowin
deleted about 10 years
kittens was the hooker 2.0 isn't a terrible setup, ur all just terrible people
anything is better than kittenz after that
deleted about 10 years
with all the terrible setups comp'd, i'm tempted to just play arcbell's setup since it's basically a win 60% of the time
that was one of the funniest games i've ever participated in, but im also mad i couldnt grs in time
deleted about 10 years lmfao, i copied a whisper that was intentionally leaked
deleted about 10 years
that was a roller coaster ride start to finish
deleted about 10 years
i've lost faith in the competitive aspects of epicmafia
deleted about 10 years
actually it functions much more like vdli, only it has a jan instead of a stalker, which makes it infinitely more scumsided. who cares about jan when the only role you can jan that's pro-mafia is watcher???? anyway let's play that setup
Nice to see basically took the fundamentals of and called it unique.
deleted about 10 years
all these setups suck, and fat stinky noobs got lobk decomped tbh.
freakin hypocrite