deleted about 10 years
1) sonseray
deleted about 10 years
MeIody says No Order 1. Goodbar 2. Riotkiller 3. projectmatt 4. Steven 5. TriAft 6. PinkiePie 7. Atikur 8. runwithfire 9. kylehlp123 10. Shivv I'm sure I missed a bunch I haven't played with enough or just are too old for me to remember. I'd say the best person at reading me on the entire site is Goodbar. Controversial...
No Order 1. Goodbar 2. Riotkiller 3. projectmatt 4. Steven 5. TriAft 6. PinkiePie 7. Atikur 8. runwithfire 9. kylehlp123 10. Shivv I'm sure I missed a bunch I haven't played with enough or just are too old for me to remember. I'd say the best person at reading me on the entire site is Goodbar.
deleted about 10 years
1. Volt 2. Riot 3. Connor 4. Laexio 5. Insanoflex 6. Dreamworks ? (that old vet player, i dunno if im remembering the name right... 7. Shacky 8. Togepi 9. Simplton 10. XavierBarren
It's not ISP lol it's just...idk how to describe it...inactivity xD
i cant spell turquoise im embarrassed now
theres a lot tbh. soda is kind of a hit or miss. caroline has really bad off days sometimes but idk bear and shacky and junter are great at Casual Mafia
deleted about 10 years
I actually legitimately don't remember the last time I ispd for a reason that I wasn't away from the keyboard lol.
only players ive played with enough and have been impressed w them uhhh maxwell, turquiose, goodbar, reverend, connor, empire, eatos, anthony, systemoverload, aaaand tmjuke
deleted about 10 years
MeIody says soda17 can be both. It's hard because I can hardly ever read him but that's mostly because he's not as active of a player in game as most. ^this.
deleted about 10 years
1. Lolumad 2. Lashka 3. hedger 4. sonseray 5. Shacky 6. Utahraptor 7. Peta 8. Nanita (R.I.P.) 9. Riddler 10. Edark
soda17 can be both. It's hard because I can hardly ever read him but that's mostly because he's not as active of a player in game as most.
deleted about 10 years
oh shoot also devante, shacky, turquoise and hedger (suck). There's actually lots of competent players lol.
1 lloyd44 2 payamcf 3 SuperNova 4 Skillz 5 BloodCrown 6 gaston123 7 EmmerrLouise 8 Giga 9 Mafiagod 10 Froce Honorable mentions: Wanda, CommanderPower, Oih And of course DarkSkull.
deleted about 10 years
Devante reads me so well ;_;
deleted about 10 years
1. Rutab 2. SuperNova 3. soda17 4. pranay 5. itg321 6. katie2012 7. chibenlol 8. BigBeef 9. BloodCrown 10. ShrekIsLoveAndLife (recent addition) True HoF.
1. Not Miloo 2. Dustmote 3. Zwink 4. Rutab 5. Skillz(maybe?) 6. Missy 7. Packidy(u not good as me tho) 8. madsss, junhoes. 9. Hadeharia. 10. Marshmilo. Honorable mentions: JepoJ, jackhammer, Piney, jamesthefourth, soda is ok.
deleted about 10 years
1. thebrontosaurus 2. nice 3. gennehfarrxD 4. Harrold 5. Anthony 6. lolwot 7. Empire 8. Jill 9. carolineeee 10. bernin 1,000,000. soda17
deleted about 10 years
Honorable mentions to bernin, reverend and bronto. Heck, some of them might replace others on the list. It was hard listing 10.
deleted about 10 years
1. Shivv 2. Scholsey 3. SystemOverload 4. Anthony 5. Cantankerous 6. Harrold 7. Arcbell 8. TheOnlyJazznation1 9. Unsuspicious 10. Sweeper The list isn't really in order and is based on how well they read me, how well they scumhunt, and how badly I am at reading them.
deleted about 10 years
1. pranay77444 2. mandevian 3. panthero. 4. cash 5. Riddler 6. soda17 7. ______ 8. Togepi 9. maymay 10. spytied