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Party Host should

deletedalmost 10 years

be able to pick who he invites, so you can single people out and be a total b*tch about it

over 9 years
over 9 years

Jampire says

A mafia party host where everyone can end meeting but cops and detectives

so they all veg

almost 10 years
Anon parties would be fun.
almost 10 years
You guys forget that this is Lucid who has to do this :3
almost 10 years

Jampire says

A mafia party host where everyone can end meeting but cops and detectives can't see the chat.

that sounds cool
almost 10 years
I think it'd be somewhat entertaining if parties had a way to be anonymous (Kinda like a masquerade ball) whether it be a normal option for the party house to pick, or if we just had an awful maf-sided party host. I assume the chat would just be the way it is the day after LK dies.
almost 10 years
A mafia party host where everyone can end meeting but cops and detectives can't see the chat.
deletedalmost 10 years
party host is useless atm
almost 10 years
Party host should totally get a buff.
almost 10 years
maybe like

a party with everyone (including the maf)

and then a special VIP party, which is just the host and maybe two others

that last one overrides the maf meeting so sux2bemaf
and if you're in jail you juggle all 3

they all have music
deletedalmost 10 years

Oprah says

lets take it a step further and have party hosts add videos so we can finally step up the memage here on Epic Mafia.

Basically Synchtube in EM, sounds good.
deletedalmost 10 years
oops. typo lmao. fixed!
almost 10 years
I want to be a totally
almost 10 years
lets take it a step further and have party hosts add videos so we can finally step up the memage here on Epic Mafia.