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Hateful Comment and Report Spam vio

over 9 years

Hateful Comments have been used by mods to bully me.

The vio should be clarified, and a list of words be made in the Rules which are banned, not some random topic no-one can find if there is one. I've also been slipped a completely unfair report spam because I refuse to have an opinion on homosexual, positive or negative. People should be able to appeal a report spam vio once, and to be able to request a mod of their choice to look at the case and not be afraid of being given another report spam vio for appealing it. or simply getting it closed by another bully mod.

over 9 years
jesus stop talking sam
over 9 years
sam, do you have any screenshots of the context of what you said when "people were angry at their loss" reported you?
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years

sam3278 says

name calling. Typical, when you can't defeat someones arguments, call them bad words.

the best thing is that youre trying to justify your argument that you werent calling people names when you really were
deletedover 9 years
go outside this is not healthy dude
over 9 years
how has it been defeated in any way?
over 9 years

sam3278 says

name calling. Typical, when you can't defeat someones arguments, call them bad words.

I'm pretty sure your arguement has already been defeated
over 9 years
name calling. Typical, when you can't defeat someones arguments, call them bad words.
over 9 years

KillHimNotMe says

Haha this sam kid is such a little baby.

over 9 years
Then just stop being a ***? You can control your own behavior, unless you can't, in which case you should not be browsing the internet unsupervised. Who knows what kind of laws you would break?

If you want to play games, I strongly suggest just playing non hearted games or go to Sandbox until you can conduct yourself properly.
over 9 years
no they are not. But these Mods are trying to get me banned. Enough vios and its byebye. I can't play anymore games because they are going to give me a vio no matter what.

Prime example
over 9 years
Violations are not the end all and be all of your epicmafia career. Grow some balls and stop whining.
deletedover 9 years
this was funny at first but sam is actually starting to annoy me
over 9 years
I didn't use a curse word, and google the word slur, *** doesn't fit the description. Sonic, there were not the same topic. I don't appeal the same report twice since I was told off for it ages ago because I didn't know. If you were right at least 1 person could link the reports like I did showing their point. All anyone has to against me is just say different numbers, like 3, or 5 reports. I AM NEUTRAL ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY. GET OVER IT
over 9 years
There needs to be mods that do not all know each other.
over 9 years
Quotes arent working so dont h8 me if i get the code wrong

I will be remembered positively by those who do not mind people who are neutral about homosexuality. Neither for or against.

So you're calling spamming the word *** when someone wants you to stop and after being informed that he will report you "maintaining neutrality about homosexuality" Well in that case people can just claim neutrality to curses and go flinging whatever they want.

And also site rules are made to encompass google TOS and the TOS clearly states usage of any curse word or slur will not be tolerated. So in order to preserve the income coming from ads, you got a vio for it. Then you got a vio for report spam after 3 reports in less than an hour about the same topic requesting it to be appealed every time the appeal is revoked. So if you have a problem go *** about it to Google.
over 9 years
connor, stop making up lies. Uprizzle, truth. I don't like swearing but I wouldn't like people to get vios for doing it.
over 9 years
over 9 years
inb4 someone doesn't find the word f*** offensive so they demand to be able to use it
over 9 years
isn't this the same guy who used to "WIFOM" and out his partner all the time?
over 9 years
you're literally too dumb to argue with
over 9 years
I will be remembered positively by those who do not mind people who are neutral about homosexuality. Neither for or against.
deletedover 9 years

Love says

khnm did u just like ur own post????

i never do that because i'm an adult and i don't care about what you young people think
deletedover 9 years
sam is yogi
over 9 years
were you dropped on your head as a child, sam? oh wait no i cant imagine you're over the age of 5 with this tantrum you're throwing.