Do you have an opinion that would be considered too unruly for general discussion? Do you have a craving to post non-sensical .gifs that add nothing to conversation? Do you want to treat epicmafia like your daily blog? Do you have epicmafia friends that you wish to circlejerk with?
Have no fear! This topic is made for you. Post at your hearts content of whatever you like without breaking any community violations.
Noone remembers anything. Just live the rest of your life carefree with the man you love, oih your irl bf, and eff the haters.
deletedabout 10 years
here's my daily blog... it won't be daily anyway but f it:
well if it doesn't break the community rules then...
I hate going to f'ing threads now. It's like these stupid games and banned player threads just me off. I wish I never said anything and just kept on coasting.
Like seriously, lolwot. Thanks for starting the most stupidest game ever. It's obvious that people are plussing people they like and negging people they hate. I felt like I was a part of a criminal line up.
Idky but you're friends with a friend of mine. You vented about being misunderstood and wished for a positive voice. Nice going...
I feel like nothing I say or do can change what I did two and a half years ago. I feel like everyone remembers in a certain negative light and it won't go away.