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Requiem For A Dream

deletedover 9 years

I just watched this movie, and it has made me super depressed. It's still got beautiful acting. Which movie has made you the most depressed?

deletedover 9 years
Jasp, you need to rewatch AN. Also, In Bruges is fairly depressing at times. No Country for Old Men and Fargo, well, I wouldn't go so far as to call them depressing. Schindler's List though, I don't think I've been more emotional at the ending of any other movie before. The Pianist is pretty depressing too.
deletedover 9 years
Lol I just stated some movies from the back of my head that I remember being depressing. I guess this means I got some rewatching to do.
deletedover 9 years
Anyone seen The Butterfly Effect?
over 9 years
uhhhh yeah but he is free and it's a happy ending

deletedover 9 years
but mcmurphy dies u friggin NOOB
over 9 years

runwithfire says

Katie says

Jackhammer says

The old woman from Requiem stayed with me for a longass time. Also, I didn't find trainspotting depressing. See: Schindler's List, Apocolypse Now, Taxk Driver, One Flew Oved the Cuckoo's Nest, Mystic River and just 1 scend from Full Metal Jacket. Also A Clockwork Orange.

one flew over made me really happy

same that was great

i always smile like an idiot when the chief starts talking when him and mcmurphy are sat on the bench outside the nurse's room
over 9 years
Suicide Room was super depressing
over 9 years
I really need to see Requiem. Mystic River was a deep, dark movie
over 9 years

Katie says

Jackhammer says

The old woman from Requiem stayed with me for a longass time. Also, I didn't find trainspotting depressing. See: Schindler's List, Apocolypse Now, Taxk Driver, One Flew Oved the Cuckoo's Nest, Mystic River and just 1 scend from Full Metal Jacket. Also A Clockwork Orange.

one flew over made me really happy

same that was great
over 9 years
*** to ***
over 9 years

Katie says

the final 5 minute montage is just something else

The ending music still gives me chills
deletedover 9 years
Like it doesn't even try to be serious, but it gets the message out there.
deletedover 9 years
I rarely ever watch movies twice on my own, but Seven Psychopaths was a great exception to that rule, tbh. Society's perception of mental disorder is an issue that's really important to me personally and that movie honestly does it justice (while being utterly hilarious).
over 9 years

Ronny says

Jasprar says

Fargo and In bruges are both fantastic movies, but i'd class them both as a black comedies of sorts, and if you watch them with that in mind some of the sadder parts can be pretty funny. Very enjoyable films either way though.

In Bruges is fantastic. Seven Psychopaths is still my favorite black comedy though. Haven't watched Requiem for a Dream or Fargo yet, but they're both on my list.

I just downloaded Grave of the Fireflies to watch tonight. That and Upstream Color.

Seven Psychopaths was really good by i've only watched on a plane so far, so I should probably rewatch to see if it's better than In Bruges. I'd highly reccomend Requiem and Fargo, they're both great imo.
over 9 years

7Liquid7 says

Jasprar says

Jackhammer says

Jasp why do you dislike the movie?

I felt it lacked substance for a lot of the movie, and was too slow for what there was of plot to grab a hold of me and make me interested in any of the characters / care about what happened to them, which was the whole premise of the movie really.

Edit: I've been told by multiple people that I need to rewatch it at some point, so I will get around to doing that as I'm universally wrong it seems hehe.

Apocalypse Now is a great adaptation of the acclaimed literary classic "Heart of Darkness". I don't think it lacks substance at all, maybe you should rewatch it. But it actually surprised me that you addressed "Requiem for a Dream", one of the most overrated and mediocre films I've ever watched as a masterpiece. Our opinions are absolutely different.

It's by no means my favourite film, but it's one of the few films to actually get an emotional reaction out of me (that's a rarity for me at least), so in that sense, yeah. I'd say it's pretty great.
over 9 years

Jasprar says

Jackhammer says

Jasp why do you dislike the movie?

I felt it lacked substance for a lot of the movie, and was too slow for what there was of plot to grab a hold of me and make me interested in any of the characters / care about what happened to them, which was the whole premise of the movie really.

Edit: I've been told by multiple people that I need to rewatch it at some point, so I will get around to doing that as I'm universally wrong it seems hehe.

Apocalypse Now is a great adaptation of the acclaimed literary classic "Heart of Darkness". I don't think it lacks substance at all, maybe you should rewatch it. But it actually surprised me that you addressed "Requiem for a Dream", one of the most overrated and mediocre films I've ever watched as a masterpiece. Our opinions are absolutely different.
deletedover 9 years

Jasprar says

Fargo and In bruges are both fantastic movies, but i'd class them both as a black comedies of sorts, and if you watch them with that in mind some of the sadder parts can be pretty funny. Very enjoyable films either way though.

In Bruges is fantastic. Seven Psychopaths is still my favorite black comedy though. Haven't watched Requiem for a Dream or Fargo yet, but they're both on my list.

I just downloaded Grave of the Fireflies to watch tonight. That and Upstream Color.
deletedover 9 years
Tbh, the ending of Blow is pretty sad.
deletedover 9 years

Edark says

Grave of the fireflies is so damn sad

over 9 years
Grave of the fireflies is so damn sad
over 9 years
Fargo and In bruges are both fantastic movies, but i'd class them both as a black comedies of sorts, and if you watch them with that in mind some of the sadder parts can be pretty funny. Very enjoyable films either way though.
over 9 years
IDK how i forgot this but Fargo is definitely the most depressing movie i've ever watched and also one of the best.Also, In Bruges and No Country for Old Men.
over 9 years

Jackhammer says

Jasp why do you dislike the movie?

I felt it lacked substance for a lot of the movie, and was too slow for what there was of plot to grab a hold of me and make me interested in any of the characters / care about what happened to them, which was the whole premise of the movie really.

Edit: I've been told by multiple people that I need to rewatch it at some point, so I will get around to doing that as I'm universally wrong it seems hehe.
over 9 years
i dont think taxi driver is depressing
deletedover 9 years
Jasp why do you dislike the movie?