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[Poll] Themed Rounds

almost 10 years

In light of the recent discussion surrounding guns and their viability in competitive play, Pranay and others have come up with an idea to try and mitigate the problem with having too many gun rounds by creating themes for each round in comp lobby.

This would be a loose guideline, but also encourage setup diversity without being too heavily restrictive on what can be comped. Ideally, we'd have a 10 round cycle with different requirements. Something along the lines of the following

This is just an example and is by no means what may happen. Please feel free to discuss any ideas

  1. At least one gun each comped by comp winners
  2. Dawn Start + No Guns
  3. 10 Players
  4. Day 1 MYLO + No Guns
  5. No Reveal
  6. Setups with fewer than 200 plays + No Guns
  7. Multi-setup
  8. 8 Players + No Guns
  9. 3rd Parties Allowed
  10. Free Choice + No Guns

The goal would be to try and encourage diversity in setup selection and allow people to run more frequently on different types of setups, so as to discourage setups that tend to dominate round play. This would also aim to try and keep people happy who like all different types of setups and angles.

This is all just discussion and I'm curious to see where it ends up. Nothing may come of it, but I'd really like to hear the community opinion on something like this because I think it could work if done properly and help boost participation in Comp Lobby.

Thnaks guys. Don't forget to vote in the poll

Good idea?
No, leave Comp as it is
Yes, I think this is a good idea
Maybe with some changes [Please discuss!]
almost 10 years

thebrontosaurus says

If I was ignoring history I'd go ahead and just implement it without asking.

I don't think this is a terrible idea, but I'm not going to do if a majority don't want it. That being said, given that chances are guns won't get removed, I figured that this would also be a happy medium for people who want to get a chance to play a round without guns or certain setups that normally don't fill in Comp.

This would matter if there were more than two popular setup demographics, in banning guns or whatever you're removing that demographic and leaving the prevailing 2.

You're literally defining the setup you want to run each round with this iteration of "themed rounds".
almost 10 years
Lol it's not like I was ever particularly wild or unpredictable.

Either way, 4-17 is a pretty sizable majority. This isn't happening, thanks for the input.
almost 10 years

gistofeverything says

Bronto is already domesticated. That's why he's an admin. ^^;

almost 10 years

gistofeverything says

Bronto is already domesticated. That's why he's an admin. ^^;

almost 10 years
Bronto is already domesticated. That's why he's an admin. ^^;
almost 10 years
this is just to keep the idiots from banning guns. i gave them something to chew on. I know how to tame bronto. Just the way i can tame the clears holding guns
almost 10 years
Mmm, people won't go to a separate lobby.

And if it's not going to be forced, Pranay, nothing will change, so there would be no point in implementing it if people don't want to change.

Not being pessimistic, just trying to be real.
almost 10 years
Instead of this, make a lobby with themed rounds.
almost 10 years

Empire says

Also option 5 AKA "Spam Sex and Lies or Alcoway's Not the Tracker"

make more setups. that is what this will encourage
almost 10 years
Keep themes in the training lobby, but push the idea of not using setups that will be exclusively played (like Jan 2.0, A&X, etc) over the introduction of other setups.
deletedalmost 10 years
Also option 5 AKA "Spam Sex and Lies or Alcoway's Not the Tracker"
deletedalmost 10 years

Peta says

Two rounds out of every three should be no-gun rounds

Maybe 1/2. Other than this this is honestly the best idea.

Most of the suggestions in the OP will make for silly rounds where people are literally just waiting for them to be over.

Ex. 6, 9. 1 is going to be a 1 setup round as people pick the best gun setup. The player limits are kind of silly.

Day 1 MyLo only is an awful idea too because without guns the setups are statistically scumsided 100% of the time, and literally every setup would be this way.
almost 10 years
these themes will not be forced. winners will be encouraged to follow the theme. but they wont be forced. so please vote yes. with this themed comp we can enjoy interesting combinations. also we have many themes which do not restrict anything
almost 10 years
Rounds don't have a fixed time frame, so people could see a forever long stretch with no guns. Eh. It'd be okay, I guess, but most some people would be unhappy.

You should really make this a lobby poll instead of just a forum poll since it affects everyone, not just forumgoers. :x

I'll abstain this issue for now.
deletedalmost 10 years

itg321 says

reporting u for violating Terms and COnditions ):

almost 10 years
reporting u for violating Terms and COnditions ):
almost 10 years
my vote should hardly count since i rarely play, but when i do, that's how i feel about it :3
almost 10 years

itg321 says

almost everyone*

melody has justification but every1 else is a tryhard :doge:

poll average players instead of losers whos spend 90% of their waking hours on javamafia 5.0 srynotsry

wouldn't that mean you can't vote? :D
almost 10 years
almost everyone*

melody has justification but every1 else is a tryhard :doge:

poll average players instead of losers whos spend 90% of their waking hours on javamafia 5.0 srynotsry
almost 10 years
I'm not a tryhard!!! :33
almost 10 years
theme rounds -> more 'fun' setups -> more new players willing to try comp -> larger playerbase -> more competitive comp lobby -> more future rounds to come

note how almost everyone who's voted no is a spastic tryhard
almost 10 years
I don't think it's a bad idea. I just don't like it :3 I think it could work, I just like comp round setups being free I guess.
deletedalmost 10 years
then every 3rd round would be nothing but gun setups, would that really be a good idea
deletedalmost 10 years
yeah, at the very least.
almost 10 years
Two rounds out of every three should be no-gun rounds