Me and pranay are the only true (active) comp players who respect the game to the extent we would feel ashamed for making socially based game decisions. This is one reason I've always liked him.
i reached a point in which i know how to not do that. the only time i've ever done anything remotely like that was when i believed edark was the real pr after xxerox gamethrew but i didnt want to risk it against my better judgement
i was never /that/ good. my reading ability would pull through only when i put in enough effort that "socially based decisions" would become irrelevant
Arcbell are you still standing by your decisions as admin
Most of them yes. I care a lot about inviting people who aren't tied up in the exclusive social club of comp in to take a central role in the community and on the site.
Do you even learn from your mistakes in first place
deletedover 10 years
p.s. one time i told ediz who the remaining mafia was when he died on skype im sorry please ban me for life
deletedover 10 years
y wont lolwot love me and show me moar pics? i dont get it!
Oh wow if he's saying I wouldn't kill my friends or something screw him, cuz I literally refuse to play with Melody on my runs so that neither of us have to be tempted to do anything like choosing the other when unsure
here's another interesting story: i never once lied on any report made against me, except for the house on fire one. that was me throwing against a runner.
also, i grudgelynched/killed/action'd dave every game possible, b/c people threw for him as his friends 24/7
Arcbell are you still standing by your decisions as admin
Most of them yes. I care a lot about inviting people who aren't tied up in the exclusive social club of comp in to take a central role in the community and on the site.