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Confession time:

over 10 years

Since EpicMafia is dying it has come to my attention that its time to stop lying.

I'm really really sorry and I hope you don't think less of me for lying all this time.

Take this as my last unmasking ever.

SirAmelio is in fact... Not a dolphin irl.


deletedover 10 years
I was dilbert the whole time!
over 10 years
i dont think u r nerds
over 10 years
so i am x1000 more gay than you could have possibly imagined
over 10 years
my confession is that i am not actually gay. i am pansexual. which is basically the same thing but even more gay
deletedover 10 years
ur all gay
over 10 years
I am Reticulum
deletedover 10 years
ok real confession:

i need another storyy
something to get off my chest
my life gets kinda boringgg
need something that i can confess

till all my sleeves are stainED RED
from all the truth taht i've said
come by it honestly i swear
thought u saw me wait no i've been on the brink so

tell me what u want to heaar
something that'll light thos eeaaaaaars
sick of all the insinceeere
so i'm gonna give all my secrets awaaaaaay
over 10 years
I confess that I am the voice behind this message.

also I have an undying love for sensory
deletedover 10 years
my confession: some of you already know this but, ah, i guess its time to tell the world... i'm not a taco, i'm an 8 year old girl
deletedover 10 years
I confess that you're all morons for posting confessions when the website could possibly be saved.
over 10 years
I'm not actually eleven.
over 10 years
i'm actually really good at epicmafia, i was just pretending to be bad
deletedover 10 years
over 10 years
i hate sharen
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Floor says

I think this site could've been 10x but the community needs filtering.

said like a true Comp player
deletedover 10 years
i confess im not gay nor pro
over 10 years
my confession: i upvote all of my own comments right after i post them.
over 10 years
Everything I thought I knew is coming to an end :'(
over 10 years
I think this site could've been 10x but the community needs filtering.
over 10 years
I'm disappointed by the majority of you and your lack of having your own personality/appearance.
over 10 years
i confess i ded in the game while reading this
deletedover 10 years
i like decorating my accounts' profiles more than playing the actual game
over 10 years
i'm not actually from the future
over 10 years
I'm shocked and scandalised. How could you do this to us all. I bet you're not even dave irl either.
deletedover 10 years
You lied to me. (ยด;~;)