about 10 years

keep it civilized you pigs

and don't post facebook links that's stupid

deletedalmost 10 years

KillHimNotMe says

was the person..... a GIRL


deletedalmost 10 years
was the person..... a GIRL

almost 10 years
I hope this is satisfactory
almost 10 years
Well I didn't try to take the picture but the person who did only tried to take the picture once
deletedalmost 10 years
How many times did you try to take that picture pet3r?
almost 10 years
Actually if 5/10 is average then it's a lot higher than a 6/10
almost 10 years
It's a six out of ten
deletedalmost 10 years
that scenery isn't even that great
almost 10 years

Peta says


wow i'm not sure which is more beautiful, the scenery or you. -pause-
deletedalmost 10 years
u fken dirty rats u deleted me
almost 10 years
almost 10 years

Edark says

just living up to the evaulation :^ )

LOL <3
almost 10 years
wow tay youre really pretty
deletedalmost 10 years
zayuuummmmmmm tay
almost 10 years

Love says


ty and cath you're way hotter you look better w/ age.

w/ weave: http://puu.sh/a2qy0/e84d7ec835.png (no img tag tho)

deletedalmost 10 years
Everyone looks better with weave
almost 10 years
deletedalmost 10 years
Keep up the good work Peta.
deletedalmost 10 years

ty and cath you're way hotter you look better w/ age.

w/ weave: http://puu.sh/a2qy0/e84d7ec835.png (no img tag tho)
almost 10 years
damn tay ur so *** hot let's ***

also [img]dkljslfsj[/img]
deletedalmost 10 years
how do i do that again
deletedalmost 10 years
oh i didnt make it an image
deletedalmost 10 years
PETA wasn't make fun on you she just lauughin at your humorous post :D
almost 10 years

Peta says

Satan's pics are the bomb

Glad Edark posts the exact same phone pic every few weeks

Sammie says

bronto, whats it like having no hair? i cant even imagine not having my hair.


why do you make fun of me everywhere i go?
deletedalmost 10 years