not very mobile phone friendly
Riddle #1: because he was sleeping on the job!
Add me to the map! Connecticut, USA :D
I'm not sure about Eatos's Comp Lobby section. It seems very condescending and just rude. Not informational at all, lmfao.
Can you add me to the map? I'm from Amsterdam - The Netherlands.
deletedalmost 11 years
18 mystery objects
this is why everybody loves carly
deletedalmost 11 years
Wow there was some great journalism in the Comp Lobby Scouting Report by Eatos
It's appropriate to my reaction of "Mentor Report by Heisenberg? He just takes all the girls and flirts with them!"
^ I laughed so hard irl when i read that was too precious to take out tbh
deletedalmost 11 years
Mystery Member is Fruitoftheloom
that's right! that's how old you are, little baby! =P
hmm idk i think i forgot o:
WHo wrote the article on me though
bc you're special ;)
and system i didnt even count TBH LOL
15!!! That's the number of mystery objects
This is really cool ! OMG though why is my album in it lmao