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CaptainGenocide cheating

deletedalmost 14 years


almost 14 years
Funny story: that second last game, Geno actually lost and Kirby immediately accused the cop of cheating.
deletedalmost 14 years
I'm usually a sensible man, but anyone who accuses my woman of cheating has to go.
almost 14 years
crow if 75% of the games have no evidence of cheating, that suggests 25% of the games DO have evidence of cheating. That's a ton of evidence right there.
deletedalmost 14 years
tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he is just legit non cheating point farming that reverse mafia setup
almost 14 years
I CAN FINALLY POST. A DRINK TO THIS CELEBRATION! My input is that Germatron cannot be trusted. Don't your eyes deceive you. Any friends of cheaters cannot be trusted. HURR DURR HE DOESN'T CHEAT AT ALL NOOOOPPPEEE NOO THAT CAN'T BE. *discovers friend cheated* FRIEND I AM SO DISAPPOINT I DIDN'T KNOW YOU CHEAT HERP DERP. Super I think could be trusted or not!? I mean didn't she report her own friend for cheating. Good on you sis. Way to go. Backstabbin' is my fav pastime.
almost 14 years
Threads like this really make me want to do a trophy run someday. All this Internet drama is just too damn hilarious. brb, getting more popcorn
almost 14 years
as well if there's anyone consistently or religiously helping him, they're really lame.
deletedalmost 14 years
How do you know this Julia?
almost 14 years
I love how you guys thought I was joking. No, he is def cheating. Oh man, I jus' lub those guys' rebuttle towards the fact that the are accused of cheating with geno
almost 14 years
Yea, what james said is pretty accurate. 20 person games with /v/ are not taken seriously, not even remotely.
almost 14 years
Those unranked games shouldn't be considered evidence. Many of the people in the /v/ games cheat. All that proves about him is that he has the means to cheat, which is irrelevant since it's easy.
deletedalmost 14 years
This isn't a court of law Creamburgers.

Lucid is the judge, jury, and executioner. The rest of us just get to do detective work.

And Germ seems to have that part covered.
deletedalmost 14 years
Innocent until proven guilty, but I must say, the fact that he has so many more points this round than anyone else is somewhat suspicious. Not impossible, but nonetheless, suspicious.
almost 14 years
Mite be.
deletedalmost 14 years
taking a guess that icaem was being sarcastic
almost 14 years
wait Icaem are you saying geno is cheating?
almost 14 years
Everything said above is true, aside from the accusations of KQ's alts. I am impressed you took the time to find all of these games, and all the proof.
almost 14 years
Even if geno is my friend and I'd like to believe he isn't cheating, just because hes part of /v/ should not exclude him from the rules. That being said, I don't know personally if hes cheating, but I hope he isn't.
almost 14 years
What Kor is trying to say is that even if you catch a cheater and ban them, it doesn't address the wider issues with the site, I really have no idea how you could perceive that as a threat.
Rather than concentrating all this effort on one person, Kor is saying that it would be better to find a way to stop people from cheating at all (limit how often two IPs can play together in ranked a day for example) and try and sort out the problem with trolls
deletedalmost 14 years
I just think that we're focusing to much on the symptoms of a problem, not the cause.

Not to say the symptoms shouldn't be treated, but you can't use painkillers to treat a broken leg.
deletedalmost 14 years
ya, youre probably right matt
deletedalmost 14 years
em is shit, Ill be the first one to admit that, but I dont really see what that has to do with whether geno is cheating or not
almost 14 years
Well if that day happens, it will not be any time soon xD
deletedalmost 14 years
No I'm not. But it's like arresting a criminal in a crime wave and claiming the problem is solved when the police force is seriously under strength.
deletedalmost 14 years
yes you will